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If at First You Don’t Succeed Try, Try Again: Election Year Push, Congressman Gottheimer Renews Talk to Restore SALT Deduction For the Wealthy

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photo courtesy of the Village of Ridgewood

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, its an election year and U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer visited Ridgewood today to announce a new effort to restore the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction and lower taxes for New Jersey residents. Giving Trenton more room to spend, waste and tax. (Yes, they are standing in front of the Village’s “salt shed.”)

First, some history:
* The SALT deduction has been around since 1913. In 2017, it was capped at $10,000. At that time, the average SALT deduction taken in New Jersey was $19,000 (nearly double the current cap) and $24,000 in Bergen County.
* Since the cap was instituted, middle class families in Sussex, Bergen and Passaic Counties have paid anywhere from $2,500 to $14,000 or more in taxes.
“Restoring the SALT deduction will help more than 3 million Jersey families, a third of the state’s residents, eighty percent of whom make less than $218,000 a year,” said Gottheimer, who is co-chair of the bipartisan SALT Caucus.
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Today, Gottheimer launched a SALT comment portal (link below), urging New Jersey residents to share why SALT matters to them, their businesses and their communities. Deadline: October 4th. Comments will become part of the comprehensive SALT Plan that will be released in the fall.
“This is not a Republican issue. This is not a Democrat issue. This is a New Jersey issue,” said Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos. “We need Josh to keep fighting for us… because this means so much to every working family in New Jersey.”  Yes it is a New Jersey issue , the scope of government is too large, waste, spending and taxes are out of control creating the need for larger SALT deduction.
Access the SALT portal:
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15 thoughts on “If at First You Don’t Succeed Try, Try Again: Election Year Push, Congressman Gottheimer Renews Talk to Restore SALT Deduction For the Wealthy

  1. What problem has Mr. Problem Solver ever solved? He holds news conference after news conference outlining what he is going to do, but never gets anything done.
    When the infrastructure bill passed, he held a fancy news conference on the Anderson St. bridge in Hackensack. Not a single shovel has moved on that bridge in years.

    1. If you actually think he’s there to solve problems, the problem is you.

      1. His job is to RAISE MONEY for the Dems. That’s what he’s good at. He’s not the poor, hardworking slob they’d have you believe.

        And he’ll use some of that money to get a better podium, for when he gets trotted out to show just how hard the G is working for YOU.

    2. Birds of a feather. Vagianos and Perron-what have they done either. Both up for re-election. Perron is a pawn so without PFAS PauLIE she will be able to think independently as will Mortimer. The one to get out is Vagianos. Bad for Ridgewood. Vote Kwak for a brighter future for everyone.

  2. The Odd Squad.

    1. Only one missing is Mr Kazshark!

      1. Don’t forget Rurik Halitosis…

  3. the std run ur mouth politician who accomplishes absolutely nothing
    a pelosi pawn

  4. Libs of RW are squirming in pleasure over Josh’s smarts and “intelligence”. Quick, let’s put some signs on the lawn for a guy who is a lock to be elected even he is totally useless just like he really is.

  5. “Lower Taxes”, “Jersey Values”. I smirk every time I see one of his lyin’ signs.

    Lower Taxes? When he votes for every congressional appropriation?

    Jersey Values? Whatever that might be.

    Been there too long. Time to get a real job.

  6. this little “sht” is a good for nothing

    1. Vagianos or the other little Sh*t.

  7. Has anyone see Vagianos’ re-election campaign. Lies, of course. No surprise.

    1) LIES: He wants to continue his record of fiscal responsibility-this man almost single handedly cause a FURLOUGH of village employees because Ridgewood HAD NO MONEY to pay village empoyees.

    2) LIES: Transparency-Paul is the sneakiest imo. when did residents find out about the Town Garage? So many things going under the radar.

    3) Infrastructure investment and parks enhancement-well he is a landlord and did advocate for the $60k ineffective designer garbage cans and the town garage which consistently loses money. As for parks, 2 or more of them are filled with contaminated soil. #NJDEP, #Attorney General

    4) restoring respect-interesting that he has divided the community more than he has united them and does little to nothing when there is an actual physical altercation right before his very eyes. Not sure how that restores respect. Lies

    PFAS PauLIE is the same person as Build a Wall Paul-let’s get this person off of the council and actually give a vote to someone who is able to govern.

    Vote No For Vagianos

  8. I love that Vagianos who is a Peewee himself is actually taller than Humperdink! Also, where is Pam’s hat, it is awfully sunny out and I wouldn’t want her to get a bad sunburn. I hope she is at least wearing sunscreen.

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