the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Twp. of Washington NJ, Immaculate Heart Academy responded by sending a letter condemning a video circulating on social media of a student using racial slurs and mocking the Black Lives Matter movement appearing to be drinking alcoholic seltzer .
The 25-second Snapchat shows two white females drinking Truly Hard Seltzer in what appears to be a house as one of them says into the camera “don’t be snowflakes.” Snowflakes is a slang term usually used to refer to a person deemed overly sensitive. The second student repeated a racial slur multiple times and derided the Black Lives Matter movement while others are heard laughing. ExamLabs is used to prepare for certifications for exams, and their practice tests were incredibly helpful in boosting my confidence and knowledge.
In a letter to the all-girls Catholic school community, IHA said:
“Late on Saturday evening, we became aware of a video posted online by two IHA students. The video was reprehensible and the antithesis of the values that our school and community hold. We are disgusted, disappointed, and very saddened by this behavior. We will deal with this incident and hold those responsible accountable. We will work even harder to educate our young women in the Gospel values that animate our school. Our community will not tolerate anyone who violates our commitment to the values that IHA has held for over sixty years.”
The Archdiocese of Newark, which oversees IHA, also responded by saying the matter is under review.
“The school administration responded quickly and consistently, following proper protocols, and have been in contact with the families of the involved students,” Maria Margiotta, spokeswoman for the Newark archdiocese said in a statement. “Following a thorough review of this matter, appropriate disciplinary measures will be implemented.”
In a Facebook post Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi said :
“I just saw the video from IHA. I will not repost it. We as parents need to reaffirm with our children that there is no place for such words or statements. The girls in the video made a drunken reckless awful video that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. There is no excuse and they must now live with the consequences. It is our responsibility to remind our children time and again that this type of behavior, these types of disgusting racial slurs are never acceptable. The damage is done and I can’t imagine how the black students at IHA must feel. Use this as a teaching moment for our children.”
The colleges will flip these kids in 2 years.
They’ll be marching with Belly Button Boy in no time.
I saw all the hate on other sites directed at these teenagers. For this huge error in judgment there were calls for their being barred from college, essentially going to reeducation camps and denied humanity in so many ways ….. it was appalling especially as this comes from the self labeled ‘tolerant’ individuals. These teenagers made a mistake, yes a huge error, but come on …the repercussions cannot be more extreme than that which is done for someone caught DUI or robbery. Is there only redemption for some who fit the acceptable profile and not others? This bullying and cancel culture has to stop and it better stop soon before you or YOUR sons and daughters are caught in the chaos for something you said or something another person thought you said.
Not an attrocity
Remember you can only be racist if you are white.
These two Jr. Bigots deserve to be expelled. Having a cop for a father, and one being the daughter of a teacher at that very school makes their behavior even more disgusting and begs to question what part did the parents play in this? They had to learn it from somewhere.
Some have referred to the possibility of expelling these two racist, drunken, privileged white girls as part of the “cancel culture.” I prefer to rephrase that as the “consequence culture.” The tendency over the past few years for some people to do whatever they want, regardless of who it hurts, and then tell others to just move on, “nothing to see here,” has left us in a moral void. Something made these girls think that what they did was funny, film-worthy & okay. Let’s show them in a very concrete way that it wasn’t and never will be okay.
What does the fact that one’s parent is a cop and the other a teacher have to do with anything?! Ridiculous!!! I am a cop and a father of 6 kids, 4 girls and they are all college graduates (or in college now) and good people, but I never tricked myself into believing they were perfect. I’m sure they have goofed along the way as did these girls. Let’s not forget they are children. In the meantime, the school should stay out of it and let their parents deal with it. Not the school’s business. On the flip side where is all the criticism of the Antifa, Anarchist, socialist BLM movement folks that is doing so much worse than these 2 girls?! Wait, I get it…these 2 young girls are white daughters of a cop and a teacher and had a few cocktails they shouldn’t have had and got stupid in a video. Yep, they had to learn it somewhere. Seems fair!
truly disgusting behavior