file photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to the Ridgewood Police Department and as frequently reported on the Ridgewood blog , auto theft is on the rise in the state of New Jersey. In 2021 there were 26 cars stolen in the Village of Ridgewood. Every car stolen was unlocked with the keys left in it. It’s important to always lock your car whenever it is left unattended. Studies have shown that the vast majority of vehicles that are burglarized or stolen have been left unlocked. Don’t be the next victim. Here are several simple steps that everyone should follow.
• Always lock your vehicle, even when it’s parked in your driveway or garage.
• Always take your keys or fob with you.
• Never leave or hide a smart key, valet key, or spare key anywhere in or around your vehicle, no matter where you park it.
• Never leave your car running while unattended or unlocked.
• If possible, park your vehicle in a locked garage.
• Park in well-lit areas.
• Keep the exterior of homes and driveways well illuminated.
• Close all your vehicle’s windows completely when parked.
• Consider installing a GPS system, a visible anti-theft device or an audible alarm.
• Never leave valuable personal property in your vehicle.
• Also, secure the transmitter for your garage door opener to prevent access to your home.
If you “See Something, Say Something”
Dial 9-1-1 and be ready to provide the police with as much information as possible regarding the description of the suspicious person or vehicle.
Hi, my name is Forrest Gump.
Give them a break.
They were too busy putting virtue signalling signs on their lawns and forgot to secure the cars.
I wonder how many have been confirmed stolen since January 1 2022?
so sad that so much theft has come to our area. Cars were not being stolen like this 30 -50 years ago, regardless of locked or unlocked. I don’t recall bands of car thieves roaming around checking for unlocked cars in every driveway like we have now being caught on cameras
“Cars were not being stolen like this 30 -50 years ago, regardless of locked or unlocked. ”
Perhaps not like today, when aberrant behavior is defined as normal, but even then the “public” rules included “lock your car.”
I think a more accurate description is “26 idiots left their keys in the car”….
Its quite obvious when a car loaded with ‘young men’ and registered in Sewerk is driving around here at night, they aren’t coming here to look at homes to buy.
The police cannot be pro-active and pull them over or they will be accused of profiling.
So instead of being able to do their jobs, the police are forced to be ‘re-active’ vs ‘pro-active’ and wait until the crime is committed, and respond to a 911 call…
but thats a waste of time since the prosecutors office won’t allow any car chases…
so the dirtbags come here for the ‘easy pickings’ knowing full well they can rob, steal, and get away with it… and take that stolen car back to Sewark at their leisure.
All of you liberals can thank yourselves for the ‘boomerang’ effect where your votes for Democrat progressive liberals comes back and bites you in the ass. (financially since you only get depreciated value for your stolen car from the insurance company)
“Its quite obvious when a car loaded with ‘young men’ and registered in Sewerk is driving around here at night, they aren’t coming here to look at homes to buy.
The police cannot be pro-active and pull them over or they will be accused of profiling.”
The FORMER Chief of Wyckoff could fill you in on that……………………..