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It’s Leaf Season in Ridgewood!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, yes its that time of year again, it’s leaf season in Ridgewood! Please find our new, updated leaf collection information mailer which will arrive at your home soon. Should you have any questions, please call the Street Division at 201-670-5585.

Leaves must be placed curbside only on the dates listed in your area. The key ingredients of the season are an overabundance of leaves, uncooperative weather, overworked and under-loved Ridgewood crews and of coarse enough summonses issued to make your head spin.

You may continue to bring leaves as well as brush to the Recycling Center. The hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (Closed Wednesday) Leaves can also be placed in paper biodegradable bags. Bags are available at the Recycling Center on a first-come, first-serve basis. When using bags please place them on the curb area and they will be collected separately.

As the weather is a key component to this operation if changes become necessary it will be posted on the Village of Ridgewood website.

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34 thoughts on “It’s Leaf Season in Ridgewood!

  1. And No blowing before 7 AM.
    And that means no one, even the town yard use rakes. I don’t need to hear your blower at 5 AM in front of my house.

    1. How about snow removal at 2AM…?

      My neighbor’s crew did that many times.

      1. For safety, snow and ice removal is the only exemption listed in the ordinance stating when construction and landscaping noise is and is not allowed.

  2. no commercial power tools/landscapers before 8am (m-f);
    limited to 9am to 1pm on saturday;
    prohibited on sunday and all holidays

    1. And the relevant federal holidays are listed in the ordinance. This year they included last Monday (Columbus Day celebrated) and Veterans Day (Sat., Nov. 11) as well as the more obvious Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. And New Year’s Day 2024.

  3. Landscapers are showing up every Thursday at 7:15 in my neighborhood, with leaf blowers. lawnmowers , trimmers etc. Who monitors this?

    1. I asked the village how to prevent and the response was to call the police

      1. Yes and they WILL come. Do call them to help yourself and your neighbors. There are many weeks of leaf removal ahead. If you don’t want to give your name, you don’t have to, and you can dial *67 first so that your number doesn’t show.

        Most landscapers literally do not know there are rules. A visit by the police is always memorable.

  4. Some of us just can’t stand when the town workers are using leaf blowers at 5 AM to blow leaves in front of my house. Here’s ago they would use rakes until 8 o’clock. It’s so unnecessary we don’t know who came up with this stupid idea.
    Thank you

    1. what town workers are working at 5 am?

  5. The village of Ridgewood starts pushing leaves at 5 AM . This is nothing new it’s been going on for 30 years.

    1. Even the municipal workers are not allowed, as per town ordinance 222-1 to use power tools before 08:00. Call the RPD on the business line 201.652.3900, and report an ordinance violation. Also email the Village manager.

  6. The complainers about early morning leaf collection need to coordinate with the complainers that don’t think leaves are picked up fast enough. Maybe both groups could find a miracle worker.

    1. And they need to include the complainers who complain if leaves are picked up when their kids are walking to school . . . SMH.

      When do you expect the Village to pick up leaves? Between 9am-2:30 pm? They would NEVER get picked up.

      Stop your whining. It’s one or two days in an entire year.

  7. Its a few months, quit whing, let the town pickup the leaves…
    Leave me alone

  8. No the village does not need to start at 5 AM. They can start at 7 AM. What is the emergency stop pushing leaves at 5 AM. And on top of that use leaf blowers behind the pusher truck. It’s ridiculous. It’s not an emergency talking about leaves.

  9. The leaf crews can work from 7 AM to 5 pm. And Saturdays.. no reason to work at 5am in the dark. It’s not safe. It’s not a emergency. So you stop whining.

  10. Why can’t they schedule crews to work on Sunday, the police & fire , emt”s water department and water pollution work. And don’t come back with that old fashion bergen blue law. They snow plow on Sunday’s.

  11. Its all about the overtime.

  12. The leaf crews don’t even follow the DOT laws. They don’t properly block roads. I’m picking up leaves and loading trucks. The trucks are overloaded. They’re constantly dropping leaves all over town. And they need to get organized a bit more. we know in other towns to utilize police or some sort of traffic control officers. we never see barricades flagman police in the village when they’re picking up leaves. and they will come back at us and say well it’s not in the budget, or we are short on staffing. Same bullshit every year. Let’s see how our new village manager fix this problem he probably doesn’t even know nothing about it.

  13. Waaaaaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaaa!

  14. It’s all about the overtime. That’s bullshit, take the funds from police and fire department. Every year same bullshit story. And to waaaaa you’re a fool. And a few other things I just don’t need to lower my brain to your level.

  15. Waaaaaaaa , you sound like a real punk, it’s leaves. It can be done from 7 to 5 every day.

    1. Nope. You must be a newbie. Parents screamed bloody murder when leaves are collected when kids are transporting to school. That means we should be blocking off 7:30 – 9:00am and 2:30 – 3:30pm.

      You sound soft. Suck it up 1 or 2 days a YEAR when they MAY do early morning lead pick-up in your neighborhood. Waaaaaa

  16. Holy mackerel people. CALM DOWN!

    I’d just like to suggest that the leaf piles be removed before it snows.

    OK, go back to yelling or whatever that is

  17. Nope. You must be a newbie. Parents screamed bloody murder when leaves are collected when kids are transporting to school. That means we should be blocking off 7:30 – 9:00am and 2:30 – 3:30pm.

    You sound soft. Suck it up 1 or 2 days a YEAR when they MAY do early morning lead pick-up in your neighborhood. Waaaaaa

  18. Nope , you sound like a real a ‘“””””e 7am to 5pm

  19. You guys just stop and pick up the leaves between 7 and 5z

  20. No, resident needs to see a leaf crew in front of their house at 5 AM, how would you like it seeing trucks workers ocean leaves make a noise blowing leaves with a backpack blower, come on. We are talking about leaves it’s not an emergency start at 7 AM at work to 5 PM it’s pitch black at 5 AM, how can this be safe impossible.

    1. Lights. Have you ever driven at night?

  21. Are you a fool, lights really, OK, then put a Police, Department car, or emergency services vehicle behind the operation with lights on. How about that smart ass. How about starting at seven and working into the evening what is the excuse now, you said you have lights, OK that means you could work picking up leaves to 7 o’clock at night, right? What is excuse now we know you’re gonna come back with something, what is it too much traffic, too many people walking around, you’re bothering peoples dinner, let’s hear it.

    1. You asked how they could work at 5am. I said “lights.”. And then you made my point by saying they could use light later at night.

      The point is that leaf pick-up effects individual residents 1, maybe 2,morning a year. Get over it. It’s no worse than snow removal in the middle of the night; should we tell the Village and private contractors they cannot plow at night. They should only plow between 7am-5pm?

  22. Work on Sunday. If it’s so important. Wow, the fire, police, emt’s, water department “s are on staffing working. The village has the funds. I’m sure the village will get a small amount of workers for Sunday’s. Put a working list together.

  23. The town needs to buy a shit load of rakes.

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