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Judge Lets Former Ridgewood Mayor and Former Village Manager Skate of Ethics Charges

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a direct slap in the face to Ridgewood residents and taxpayers a New Jersey administrative law judge has cleared two former village officials of ethics misconduct charges stemming from the development and posting of a 2016 video about a parking garage referendum on the village website.

An initial decision released Monday by Judge Jude-Anthony Tiscornia ordered that violation notices and fines issued by the state’s Local Finance Board against former Mayor Paul Aronsohn and former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld be overturned and dismissed. Critics of the ruling called it  “Democrat Immunity” .

While critics of the pair say they were architects of the destruction of the Village of Ridgewood  along with two other council members Gwen Hauk ( who the former Mayor had an affair with while married ) and Councilman and Deputy Mayor  Albert J. Pucciarelli .  Ridgewood taxpayers will  have  them to thank  for decades of spiraling taxes and decreasing quality of life  due to the promotion of high density housing creating the need for parking, school construction, increased water resources , road construction and more police and fire . The group promoted high density, sticking future generation with the mess, with no plan , no new Village master plan ,destroying the very nature of the Village and taking a once great place to live and turning into just another New Jersey “nice” town.


22 thoughts on “Judge Lets Former Ridgewood Mayor and Former Village Manager Skate of Ethics Charges

  1. He’s a slippery one…

  2. Wow amazing. You see the system is dirty. And that’s on that level. Can you imagine on the presidents level.

  3. Those two are dirty dirty dirty

  4. At least his ex wife saw him for what he truly is.

  5. Still 2 dirt bags in my opinion.

  6. Is his hand on her breast? He’d screw anything, wouldn’t he.

  7. You need to add that they had an affair while in office. Pillow talk decisions

  8. Get the transcript and audio recording of the hearing if you can. The judge had already made up his mind before the hearing.

  9. Why isn’t anyone investigating Paul and Gwenn’s sleeping with each other while they were serving on the council?
    They were clearly voting for each other’s agenda.
    This should be treated as one council person bribing the other for voting on their agenda items, where the nature of bribe is sexual favors.

  10. Murphy’s boy

  11. We don’t need a court to tell us whether Aronsohn is unethical or not. He is what he is and everyone he’s ever dealt with knows it.

  12. That whole crew that was following them was so dirty. I never seen a bunch of ass kissers in my life. Ridiculous, they know who they are.

  13. But there was no voter fraud in the presidential election.
    Got it.

  14. Judge found no violation. These mean-girl opinions above are worthless

  15. Is Judge Jude-Anthony Tiscornia a Murphy appointee or is he in line for something that Murphy’s going to make a nomination / appointment?
    If so that makes sense.

  16. His ex-wife is far more attractive than that idiot Gwenn.

  17. you know who will want to appeal this, and appeal, and appeal

  18. . they did a good job for the village and. STOP the hating and grow up

  19. Are you nuts, they did not do a good job . Who are you. You are out of the loop my little pigeon. Did a good job with what. That whole crew new zippo.

  20. So true.
    Talk about A. Empty suit

  21. Paul had Kenneth Gabbert ( VM before Roberta) in essence fired so that he could have Roberta in that position. She basically did Paul’s bidding and acted in the role as a sixth councilman. The two of them along with Albert and Gwenn put Ridgewood on the wrong track and ignored public sentiment on so many issues. They divided our community by pushing their own agenda.

  22. What exactly were the charges against them.?

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