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Mahwah Tones Down Controversial Senior Housing Project by 20%

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, a proposal to reduce the size of a controversial high density senior housing project by 20% was approved by the Township of Mahwah Council 5-2 at a special hearing on Saturday.

The Monarch Communities project has been before the Board of Adjustment 16 times since February 2021. Monarch is proposing a huge 175-unit, 60-foot-tall, 262,208-square foot senior facility on the 3.4-acre former post office property on Franklin Turnpike, which is currently zoned for 49 units.

Township Council members said they have been in executive sessions with the developer over the past year trying to negotiate a project more favorable to the township’s toned down vision for the area, attempting to  avoid the  developer from  resorting to a lawsuit forcing an even more intense use of the property.


“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?”

Don Quixote

6 thoughts on “Mahwah Tones Down Controversial Senior Housing Project by 20%

  1. …Smarter than Ridgewood residents.

  2. It’s very disappointing to seniors who can’t find decent affordable housing. Shame on mahwah. Can’t wait to get out of Bergen county

    1. “fake affordable housing” you mean

  3. In the late 80s Mahwah allowed developers to build over 3000 condominiums in the township thus forever destroying the country atmosphere that was there before.

  4. There’s PFOAs in Mahwah drinking water..forever chemicals …recently had a lawsuit from a woman suing for the cost of bottled drinking water.. little does she know the forever chemicals are already in her system from the shower or bath.. absorbed right through your pores.. I’m sure she’s loaded up with forever chemicals in her system already. So sad. A disgrace.

    1. Other than one small study on mice, I could not find anything to support the absorption of anything but minute quantities of PFOAs across the skin. All regulatory bodies say that transdermal absorption is not an issue. Do you have any research about this?

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