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Murphy Chooses Staff Over All New Jersey Women In The Workplace

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the staff of the Ridewood blog

Trenton NJ,  At a press conference yesterday, Governor Murphy defended members of his staff for their handling of sexual assault allegations against Al Alvarez. The protection of his aides comes in executive defiance of the findings of a report released earlier in the day by a bipartisan panel of state legislators. 

Governor Murphy’s exact quote was, “I believe that the team in my office did what they believed was the right thing, and I stand behind them. That has been the case and will continue to be the case.”

NJGOP Chairman Steinhardt reacted to this with the following statement:

“Members of the Murphy administration showed up to testify before a panel of legislators and lied through their teeth and under oath. Governor Murphy siding with his political aides and allies over the well-being of a potential rape victim sets women’s rights back eons and sends a message that women don’t matter and aren’t safe in the Governor’s workplace. New Jersey must come to terms with the sad fact that they elected a Governor who put his political patrons’ job protection ahead of the personal well-being of potential sexual assault victims.

“It’s a strange time in New Jersey politics when the New Jersey Republican State Committee is this closely aligned with Senator Loretta Weinberg, but this is about human decency, not partisan politics.”

Senate Majority Leader Senator Loretta Weinberg issued the following statement in reaction to the Governor’s response to the Legislative Select Oversight Committee’s final report.

“The governor’s response to the select committees careful report is a disservice to the women of New Jersey,” said Senator Weinberg (D-Bergen).

The Governor today reacted to the findings of the committee by claiming that his team “did what they believed was the right thing.”

The bipartisan joint Legislative Select Oversight Committee was responsible for determining how Al Alvarez was hired for a top job by the Murphy administration after being accused of sexual assault by fellow campaign staffer Katie Brennan.

The committee’s report found that the administration acted irresponsibly, unprofessionally and with inadequate concern for the survivor of the alleged assault.

One thought on “Murphy Chooses Staff Over All New Jersey Women In The Workplace

  1. The majority of Ridgewood voted for Governor Lizard Head, who’s to blame? Get ready for Governor Sheila Oliver and a $7 million library staircase.

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