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N.J. residents don’t want north Jersey casinos, poll finds


TRENTON — Casinos in north Jersey? The odds are against it.

A Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind poll of 913 New Jersey residents released Tuesday found 56 percent oppose allowing casinos outside of Atlantic City, while just 37 percent support it.

“The public is questioning the logic behind allowing the spread of casino gambling,” said Krista Jenkins, a political science professor of political science and director of PublicMind. “They don’t seem to be sold on the idea of saving the gaming industry in the state by allowing it to spread.”

And despite a major push in recent months by politicians and business people who want to expand casino gaming, public opinion has not moved significantly from the last time FDU asked the question in February.

“This degree of attentiveness isn’t turning many people on to the idea. or the premise that the money can and should be rightfully used in places other than where the casinos are ultimately built,” said Jenkins

The polls are important because allowing gaming outside of Atlantic City would require an amendment to the state constitution. That requires voter approval.

North Jersey lawmakers, including Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-Hudson), want to put the question on the ballot this year. South Jersey lawmakers have resisted that, even though some – including Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-Gloucester) – have been open to allowing casino gambling in northern New Jersey if hundreds of millions in proceeds go towards helping Atlantic City rebuild.

Supporters of expanding casino gaming have proposed dedicating $100 million a year in north Jersey casino proceeds to the struggling resort, which saw four casinos close in 2012.

4 thoughts on “N.J. residents don’t want north Jersey casinos, poll finds

  1. Who needs it?

  2. what a big waste of tax money.

  3. are they listening to the people now??
    that would be a new thing.

  4. Just brings crime, drugs, and prostitution along with big profits for the owners and crime syndicates. Keep it AWAY from here. Watch Malle’s “Atlantic City.”

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