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New Democrat Voter Registration Bill Would Undermine the Integrity of the Election Process and Wreak Havoc at the Polls on Election Day


Under the New Democrat Voter Registration Bill We Could See the Russians Voting for Trump Again , LOL ……Russia, Russia Russia!

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Middletown NJ,  Assemblymembers Vicky Flynn and Gerry Scharfenberger (LD13 – R’s) are speaking out against the introduction of Senate bill S247, a piece of legislation that if passed would fundamentally change voter registration requirements by allowing potential voters to show up on Election Day and register to vote on top of other drastic reductions to registration requirements which will undermine the integrity of the election process and wreak havoc at the polls on Election Day.

While other states look to impose measures to enhance the security and reliability of elections, NJ Democrats seem intent upon loosening measures that contribute to the integrity of the election process. Furthermore, not only is the bill philosophically and logistically problematic, S247 comes with a hefty price tag on the heels of the financial costs imposed by Governor Murphy’s voting mandates over the last few election cycles:

“This bill imposes yet another financial burden upon NJ Taxpayers without any justifiable reason, which is unfair after the additional costs imposed by Trenton on counties with early voting,“ Assemblywoman Flynn denoted“Having enough poll workers to manage polling locations on Election Day was a challenge. Adding this additional administrative burden upon poll workers would be unfair. Like early voting, there appears to have been no effort to engage the local county election officials to evaluate the financial and administrative burden associated with implementing this proposal.”

“The proposal for same day voter registration would be catastrophic in maintaining the integrity of our already overburdened election system,” stated Assemblyman Scharfenberger“There is simply no reason for same-day registration when registrations can be had any time of the year online and in-person. Our election system is too important to consistently create the potential for fraud that bills such as this would enable.

Making matters worse is the blatant hypocrisy by Democrats. This bill would require voters to present identification to register on Election Day to deter fraud. Yet, Democrats largely deny fraud exists in the election system when criticizing Voter ID proposals:

“If enacted, it would open the floodgates for individuals to vote who may not legitimately be eligible if given ample time for proper scrutiny,” Assemblyman Scharfenberger decried“There is no possible way to vet the validity of a voter’s registration application in such a short period of time, it is ludicrous and will likely bring about endless legal challenges in the long-run. This is yet another ludicrous example of what I have been fighting against since day one – I have and will continue to propose legislation that will ensure security of our voting rights.”

“To suggest that this bill is anything other than pandering on a national Democrat political platform that seeks to remove stability and integrity within our voting system would be a vast understatement,” said Assemblywomen Flynn“This State provides multiple forums by which voters can register to vote. There is no indication same day voting is necessary here in NJ, especially to warrant the financial burden associated with this proposal. S247 only serves to dilute those protections already in place to ensure integrity in elections.”

5 thoughts on “New Democrat Voter Registration Bill Would Undermine the Integrity of the Election Process and Wreak Havoc at the Polls on Election Day

  1. The problem with these libtards is that first they want people to vote, and then they want those votes counted. What is this country coming to?

  2. The problem with libtards is that they want everyone voting multiple times, and have those votes counted multiple times!

  3. The problem with libtards is that they want to win at any cost… the end justifies the means.

  4. all those undocumented democrats coming here at the southern border,. 2mill plus

  5. Wow, after 2021 voter law changes that were a disaster at the Nov 2021 polls & many with issues & voted by provisional ballots with promise they would be counted only to get letters weeks later telling them they didn’t get counted. THAT IS voter suppression. We also know because people recorded it that machines would not allow people to vote for the republican governor candidate. There should be NO MAIL IN VOTES received & counted after election day. Almost 2 months to return those is plenty of time. Receiving & counting after election day when they know how many votes are needed to win is an obvious open door for voter fraud/cheating. How do we know if the post office actually cancel date stamped every late mail in ballot that had prepaid postage. I know my county has prepaid postage on the return envelope.

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