the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Upper Saddle River NJ, New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection are launching #GoGreenNJ, a social media campaign to promote simple tips that New Jerseyans can do at home to help protect the environment and reduce the impacts of climate change.
With a combined 120,000 followers on Twitter and Facebook between the First Lady and the DEP, the campaign’s messages are likely to go a long way in encouraging New Jerseyans to think differently about environmental protection.
Perhaps if you really want to clean up New Jersey you can start here in Bergen County , for over a year we have covered the story of the devastating impact of the run off from the Toll Brothers site at Apple Ridge. To date nothing as been done to protect the environment of Bergen County , not one politician or DEP official has lifted a hand . So for the talk from the Murphy Administration on “Green” New Jersey, it is nothing but talk and a ruse for tax increases.
I suggest the First Lady of New Jersey contacts investigative journalist Scott Fallon from Bergen Record and Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel to learn about real environmental problems in the state of New Jersey. Also on the eve of Earth Day’ celebrations she should watch an explosive in my opinion 5 minute-Tell-All video interview regarding 20 plus years of failure on the part of DEP bureaucrats in going after wrongdoers like Toll Brothers and other big political donors. I suggest she pays close attention to the last 2 minutes of the nterview. Here is the link: https://theridgewoodblog.net/toll-brothers-caught-red-handed-committing-another-stormwater-runoff-violation/
Can someone tell me why nothing is being done about this. Is the d e p Just saying it’s OK.
Talk is so much easier than actions on the same subject. If you act, you can get back fires from all directions. Many of our Residents have “It’s absolutely impossible for me to have done that. It’s complete FAKE NEWS!
Here … fixed that fer ya.
NJ First Comrade launches socailist initiative.
Names it Go Green NJ
I think if our first lady wants to make an impact, she should start cleaning up some of the devastations & disasters that are occurring in most towns and cities of New Jersey. First Newark then all of Bergen County with their pipes with Suez, & now for the last year-and-a-half in USR well waters contaminated with lead and arsenic by the repeat offender Toll Brothers themselves. As we all in New Jersey so far are seeing all the impacts of contaminated pipes and water, she’s focusing on the hypothetical. Either she’s oblivious to what’s going on in New Jersey or she thinks new jerseyans are stupid and can’t see through the corruption. If the men aren’t doing the job I would have expected the woman would. First lady Murphy why don’t we get New Jersey cleaned up and punish the ones who are doing the damage rather than the respectable citizens and the taxpayers.