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Four Ridgewood High School Students Finalist for National Merit Scholarship Competition

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, four Ridgewood High school students Kate Minn, Chloe Cho, Lucas Wang and Ethan Holden have advanced to finalist standing in the National Merit Scholarship Competition, getting them closer to consideration for one of 7,250 scholarships worth nearly $28 million.

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GOP Sen Ron Johnson: We Have 16,000 Unique Lerner Emails with Potential Admin Contacts



GOP Sen Ron Johnson: We Have 16,000 Unique Lerner Emails with Potential Admin Contacts

Thursday on Fox New Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) explained in November the Treasury Inspector General reported that it had recovered almost 80,000 missing emails from the seized IRS disaster recovery tapes. Upon investigation it was found approximately 80 percent are duplicates, which leaves roughly 16,000 recovered, unique Lois Lerner emails.

The Wisconsin senator promised “a number of committees,” working together will spend the next couple of month “sorting through” the emails to “piece together this plot.”

Johnson said, “This administration has been completely opaque. But that’s one question. Who was communicating with Lois Lerner? What emails were exchanged with the White House or Treasury department? That’s what we are trying to get to the bottom of.”