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ShortLine/Coach USA scheduled services are suspended on Wednesday, March 21, 2018


March 20,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, ShortLine/Coach USA riders:Due to Winter Storm Toby, ShortLine/Coach USA scheduled services are suspended on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. Service will resume on Thursday, March 22, 2018.
We will run the 1:30 a.m to Middletown tonight as well as the 3:05 a.m from Binghamton to NYC on Wednesday. Local service from Binghamton to Ithaca, Olean, Albany and Utica will still run on Wednesday but only as far as Binghamton, No connections to NYC.As always, the safety of our customers and employees will be our top priority throughout this storm and we will provide any further schedule changes via Facebook, email and our website.

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Ridgewood Parks Department and Streets Department will perform a curbside branch and limb collection beginning March 19, 2018

Village of Ridgewood's Water Pollution Control and Signal Bureau facilities Blocked by Fallen Tree

file photo by Boyd Loving

March 16,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as per the Village Hall, Due to the March 7th snow and wind storm and the resultant extensive damage to trees in the public right-of-way, the Ridgewood Parks Department and Streets Department will perform a curbside branch and limb collection beginning March 19, 2018.

Effective Monday, March 19th, the Parks and Street Departments will conduct ONE town-wide collection of tree limbs and branches, in the order of the leaf collection routes, beginning in Section A, as follows:
Monday, March 19th – Section A
Tuesday, March 20th – Section B
Wednesday, March 21st – Section C
Thursday, March 22nd – Section D
and limited to the following storm damaged items:
Branches and limbs, must be cut no longer than 3 feet in length, from all trees located in the public right of way
Branches and limbs from other storm damaged trees on your property not exceeding 5 inches in diameter.

Place the branches (no larger than 5 inches in diameter and no longer than 3 feet in length) at the edge of your property, but not in the roadway or blocking the sidewalk. The Parks and Street Departments will not collect tree limbs and branches off of residents’ properties and also will not collect tree trunks, logs, or firewood.
If you are able, please assist in the cleanup by bringing your branches to the Graydon Pool parking lot, and placing them in the barricaded area.
Trees on private property remain the responsibility of the homeowner, and as such, damaged trees are the homeowner’s responsibility.

Once this pickup has taken place, there will be no additional pickups for these tree limbs and branches.

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Village Council

Village Council Public Meeting
8:00 P.M.
Call to Order – Mayor
Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act
Roll Call – Village Clerk
Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Financial Reports
Approval of Minutes
Declare March Red Cross Month
Declare March Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month8. Swearing-in of Fire Fighter Ryan Romero9. Swearing-in of Fire Lieutenant Joseph Ferraro10. Swearing-in of Fire Lieutenant Jason Kane11. Swearing-in of Fire Lieutenant Vincent Krug12. Swearing-in of Fire Captain Brendan Corcoran13. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3 minutes per person – 40 minutes in total)14. Village Manager’s Report15. Village Council Reports16. ORDINANCES – INTRODUCTION – RIDGEWOOD WATER3636 – Re-establish Water Rates and Fees – 2010-2017 – Re-establishes the water rates and fees charged by Ridgewood Water, for the years 2010-2017 18-78 Award Contract – Supply and Maintain Cold Water Meters (NTE $169,255) – Awards the second year of a two-year contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Rio Supply, Inc., 100 Allied Parkway, Sicklerville, NJ18-80 Award Contract Under State Contract – Miscellaneous Materials and Supplies (NTE $50,000) – Awards a contract under State Contract for materials and supplies to W.W. Grainger, Inc., 55 Jackson Drive, Cranford, NJ 18-82 Award Professional Services Contract – Additional Services for Water Rate Study for Ridgewood Water, Years 2013-2017 (NTE $30,000) – Awards a Professional Services Contract to Howard J. Woods & Associates, 40 Overhill Road, East Brunswick, NJ. The required Pay to Play forms have been submitted to the Village Clerk’s Office. 3639 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Temporary Skatepark – Establishes the annual badge fees for the temporary skatepark at $25 for residents and $50 for non-residents3641 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Fees for Use of Village Facilities – Establishes fees for use of the Level One rooms in Village Hall 3634 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Significant Sewer Discharger Fees 18-86 Award Contract – Coach Bus Transportation Services – H.I.L.T. (NTE $9,260) – Awards a contract to the second lowest bidder, Panorama Tours, Inc., 45 Somerset Place, Clifton, NJ. The Village of Ridgewood has had various customer service issues with the lowest bidder; therefore, the contract will be awarded to the second lowest bidder. 18-88 Award Contract – Concession Refreshment Services – Graydon Pool – Awards a contract to the sole proposal by Michael Sims, Mellsworth Foods, Inc., 102 East Main Street, Ramsey, NJ which will pay the Village $9,300 for the summer season18-90 Award Contract – Paving and Resurfacing (NTE $1,900,000) – Awards a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, J.A. Alexander, Inc., 130-158 John F. Kennedy Drive North, Bloomfield, NJ18-92 Award Contract – Concession Refreshment Services – Graydon Pool – Awards a contract to the sole proposal by Michael Sims, Mellsworth Foods, Inc., 102 East Main Street, Ramsey, NJ which will pay the Village $9,300 for the 2018 summer season 18-93 Award Professional Engineering Services Contract – Upgrade and Maintain SCADA System – Water Pollution Control Facility (NTE $25,000) – Awards a Professional Services Contract under a no-bid contract to Keystone Engineering Group, 590 Lancaster Avenue, Suite 200, Frazer, PA. The required Pay to Play forms have been filed with the Village Clerk’s Office.18-95 Declare Property Surplus – John Deere Loader – Streets Department – Declares a John Deere Loader surplus and authorizes the Village Manager to dispose of said property 18-97 Declare Various Property Surplus – Fire Department Equipment – Declares various property of the Fire Department surplus and authorizes the Village Manager to dispose of said property 18-99 Grant Major Soil Moving Permit – KS Broad Street, LLC – Ken Smith II – Grants a Major Soil Moving Permit for KS Broad Street, LLC (Ken Smith II), for a project located at 76 and 80 Chestnut Street and 9-17 and 25-27 Franklin Avenue, which has already been approved by the Planning Board. This approval is granted, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the Village Planning Board’s resolution and those contained in the Village Council’s resolution, with the requirements in the Village Council’s resolution taking precedence.18-101 Approve Budget Reserve Transfers – Annual resolution which transfers money in the 2017 budget from departments which have excess funds to those departments which do not have adequate funds18-103 Correct Resolution #17-111 – Accept Partial Donations – Portable Fuel Cell Trailer – Parks and Recreation – This resolution corrects and replaces Resolution #17-111, adopted April 12, 2017. The best quote for18-104 Support Preservation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Supports the preservation of the CDBG Program in the FY 2018 Federal Budget at funding levels at least equal to funding in FY 2017 18-107 Appoint Members to Planning Board
24. Adjournment
23. Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes per person)
18-108 Appoint Member to Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board
18-106 Award Contract – Repair and Purchase of Emergency Equipment and Radios for Police Cars (NTE $20,000) – Awards the second year of a two-year contract to Regional Communications, 64 East Midland Avenue, Paramus, NJ
18-105 Title 59 Approval – Approves the plans and specifications for , prepared by the Police Department, pursuant to Title 59
the Portable Fuel Cell Trailer was incorrectly listed in Resolution #17-111 as $5,478. This resolution correctly states the cost of the Portable Fuel Cell Trailer at $5,748.
18-102 Oppose Legislation for H.R. 38 and S. 446 – Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 and the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 – Opposes the legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate which would force every State in the United States to recognize the concealed carry standards of every other State in the United States regardless of the standards, or lack thereof, of that State
18-100 Increase 2017 Deferred School Taxes – Increases deferred school taxes from $46,515,256.62 to $47,392,648.62, an increase of $877,392 from 12/31/16 to 12/31/17

18-98 Grant Major Soil Moving Permit – 257 Ridgewood Avenue, LLC – The Enclave – Grants a Major Soil Moving Permit for 257 Ridgewood Avenue, LLC (The Enclave), for a project located at 253-257 East Ridgewood Avenue, 48 North Maple Avenue, and 248 Franklin Avenue, which has already been approved by the Planning Board. This approval is granted, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the Village Planning Board’s resolution and those contained in the Village Council’s resolution, with the requirements in the Village Council’s resolution taking precedence.
18-96 Declare Property Surplus – Ford F250 Pickup Truck – Parks Department – Declares this property surplus and authorizes the Village Manager to dispose of said property
18-94 Authorize Shared Services Agreement – Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs (Washington Township) – Authorizes a Shared Services Agreement for Washington Township to bring certain vehicles to the Village of Ridgewood’s Fleet Services for maintenance and repair

18-91 Award Contract – Printing for 2018 Municipal Election (NTE $19,800) – Awards a contract to the sole quote from Royal Printing Service, 441 51st Street, West New York, NJ
18-89 Title 59 Approval – Paving and Resurfacing – Approves the plans and specifications for 2018 Road Resurfacing and Repair of Various Street in the Village of Ridgewood, prepared by the Ridgewood Engineering Division, pursuant to Title 59
18-87 Title 59 Approval – Concession Refreshment Services – Graydon Pool – Approves the plans and specifications for Concession Refreshment Services – 2017, 2018, The Water’s Edge Café, Graydon Pool prepared by the Department of Parks and Recreation, pursuant to Title 59
18-85 Title 59 Approval – Coach Bus Transportation Services – Approves the plans and specifications for Supply of Coach Bus Transportation Services prepared by the Department of Parks and Recreation, pursuant to Title 59

18-84 Endorse Submission of Recycling Tonnage Grant – Annual resolution which endorses the submission of the Municipal Recycling Tonnage Grant Application to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and designates Daniel M. Kiely, Recycling Coordinator, to ensure that the application is properly filed
3625 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Allow Certain Illuminated Interior Signs in the Central Business District
3635 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Sewers and Sewage Disposal – Connection Fee for Residential and Non-Residential Development
3633 – Amendment to Municipal Complex Parking
3642 – Bond Ordinance – Replacement of Maple Park Turf Field ($500,000)
3640 – Establish Policies for Use of Level One Rooms – Village Hall – Establishes policies for the use of The Garden Room, the Annie Zusy Youth Center, and the Patrick A. Mancuso Senior Center on level one of Village Hall
3638 – Amend Chapter 212 – Parks and Recreation – Establish Rules and Regulations for Temporary Skatepark – Establishes rules of conduct and regulations for use of the temporary skatepark located at the Ridgewood Roller Hockey rink from mid-April through mid-October

18-83 Award Professional Services Contract – Design and Administration of Improvements at the Southside Reservoir (NTE $52,000) – Awards a Professional Services Contract to D.J. Egarian & Associates, Inc., Route 46 West, Suite G-208, Fairfield, NJ. The required Pay to Play forms have been submitted to the Village Clerk’s Office.
18-81 Award Contract – Installation of Water Mains (NTE $480,529.61) – Awards a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Ferreira Construction Company, Inc., 31 Tannery Road, Branchburg, NJ
18-79 Award Contract Under State Contract – 2018 Ford Super Duty F350 with 8 Foot Box ($67,914.46) – Awards a contract under State Contract to Beyer Ford, 170 Ridgedale Avenue, Morristown, NJ
18-77 Title 59 Approval – Supply and Maintain Cold Water Meters – Approves the plans and specifications for Cold Water Meters and Supplies prepared by Ridgewood Water, pursuant to Title 59

3637 – Amend Water Rates and Fees – 2018 – Revises the water rates and fees charged by Ridgewood Water in 2018

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Village Council

20180313 – Village Council Public Workshop Agenda
MARCH 13, 2018
8:00 P.M.
1. 8:00 pm – Call to Order – Mayor
2. Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act
Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting.”
3. Roll Call – Village Clerk
4. Flag Salute/Moment of Silence
5. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person – 40 Minutes in Total)
6. Discussion
a. Ridgewood Water
1. Award Contract – Installation of Water Mains
2. Award State Contract – 2018 Ford Super Duty F350
3. Award State Contract – Miscellaneous Materials and Supplies

b. Parking – None
c. Budget
1. Award Contract – Annual Agreement – Upgrade and Maintain Scada System – WPCF
2. Budget Reserve Transfer Resolution
3. Tonnage Grant Resolution
4. Declare Surplus – Miscellaneous Fire Department Equipment
5. Shared Services Agreement –Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs –
Washington Township
6. Award Contract – Tub Grinder
7. Award Contract – Election Printing
8. Award Contract – Paving and Resurfacing
d. Policy
1. Proposed Ordinance – Temporary Skatepark Rules and Fees
2. Graydon Pool Hours, Fees, and Website Presence
e. Operations
1. Village Hall Meetings Room Policy
2. Replacement of Tree at Graydon – Report by Shade Tree Commission
3. Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017
7. Review of March 14, 2018 Public Meeting Agenda
8. Manager’s Report
9. Council Reports
10. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
11. Resolution to go into Closed Session
12. Closed Session
A. Personnel – Boards and Committees, Municipal Prosecutor
B. Legal – Ridgewood Water Litigation, Affordable Housing, Valley Hospital

13. Adjournment

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More Road Work on the Way for Ridgewood in 2018


March 10,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Street Paving has been another major point of contention the last couple of years ,especially with PSE&G  and Ridgewood Water digging up the streets working on infrastructure improvements .
According to Councilmen Ramon Hache , last year  the Village  spent $2 million on paving roads.

Improvements the roads will continue from 2017. The Village council recently appropriated $2.16 million for the 2018 road paving program which will begin this spring. Bergen County has appropriated $13 million for road paving this year. We will be working with the County to ensure they repair the County roads in Ridgewood which are clearly the worst in the entire Village.

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State of New Jersey Announces A 2 Hour Delayed Opening For State Offices On Thursday, March 8, 2018.


March 8,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, In order to allow ample time for roadways, parking lots and sidewalks to be cleared and made safe for travel, the State of New Jersey has authorized a delayed opening two hours from normal start times for all non-essential state employees on Thursday, March 8, 2018.

Essential employees should report to work on their regular schedule.

Current road conditions are available at the New Jersey Department of Transportation website at
New Jersey State Police will be out on patrol if you need us.

Remember…driving at speeds too fast for the road conditions is often a contributing factor in snow-related crashes and spinouts. Take it slow and leave extra room between yourself and the vehicle in front of you should you have to brake unexpectedly.

Steer clear of downed power lines. Always assume they are live and dangerous!!!

Be sure to follow us on social media and check the weather in your area for updates and to plan ahead! For those living in Central and Southern New Jersey visit US National Weather Service Philadelphia/Mount Holly

For those living in Northern New Jersey and the New York Metro area visit US National Weather Service New York NY

Pets are family too! Include them in your emergency plans. Bring them indoors! If you’re cold, they are cold! Visit to find out more!
If you, a family member or a neighbor have special needs, be sure to visit Register Ready, New Jersey’s Special Needs Registry for Disaster Planning, to get started on making your emergency plan NOW. Visit or call NJ 2-1-1 for assistance.

Follow us!
Governor Phil Murphy

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UPDATE: Due to several power outages throughout the district and hazardous road conditions caused by the storm, all Ridgewood schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, March 8, 2018.


UPDATE Due to several power outages throughout the district and hazardous road conditions caused by the storm, all Ridgewood schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, March 8, 2018.


March 8,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Delayed School Opening – Thursday – March 8, 2018. Due to the hazardous road conditions from the winter storm, all Ridgewood Schools will operate under the delayed opening schedule, Thursday, March 8, 2018. Under the delayed opening schedule, the school day will begin two hours later than usual. School bus schedules will operate two hours later. Elementary school children who have not ordered lunch must bring a bag lunch to school as there will not be sufficient time for children to go home for lunch when there is a delayed opening. In the event that conditions change and we would require schools to be closed, you will receive another notification.

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Regular Public Meeting of the Ridgewood Board of Education will be held on Monday, March 5, 2018


March 4,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The next Regular Public Meeting of the Ridgewood Board of Education will be held on Monday, March 5, 2018 at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place, Floor 3 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be aired live on television, FiOS channel 33 and Optimum channel 77, and streamed via the “Link in Live” tab on the district website at Meeting webcasts are generally posted to the district website within 48 hours.

Calendar update: Due to the snow day used on January 4, Ridgewood Public Schools will be open on Friday, May 25.

March 5 2018 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Location Board Room, 3rd Floor, Education Center

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Iconic Sycamore Will be Removed February 19, 2018

Ridgewood's Iconic Sycamore Tree on the island at Graydon Pool is dying

file photo by Boyd Loving


February 14,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village arborist and an independent arborist have both determined that the sycamore tree, on the island at Graydon Pool, must be removed due to the fact that a major portion of the trunk of the tree is hollow and poses a safety concern. Residents who would like to photograph the tree or visit the tree, prior to it being removed, may do so through February 19, 2018.

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All Village offices will be closed on February 12, 2018 in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday


Village Office Closed – February 12, 2018

February 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, All Village offices will be closed on February 12, 2018 in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday. There will be no garbage or recycling pickup on this day, and the Recycling Center will also be closed. All Village offices will open on February 13, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. As always, the Police Department, on the second floor of Village Hall, will be open on this Holiday.

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Stag House in Glen Rock Partners with Bergen County Rescue to Host Town-Wide Pet Adoption February 3, 2018


January 31,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

GLEN ROCK NJ , Stag House, a full-service barbershop and salon headquartered in Glen Rock, NJ, announced they are partnering with the Bergen County Protect and Rescue Foundation (BC Protect & Rescue), an all-volunteer, non-profit, no-kill shelter, to run a town-wide dog adoption on Saturday, February 3, 2018, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.228 Rock Rd, Glen Rock, NJ.

“BC Protect & Rescue works to save pets from being euthanized or even homeless. A huge part of our mission is giving back to the community. What better way than to help give a pet a “furever” home, especially during a time when shelters are experiencing an influx of dogs from the holidays,” says Stag House co-owner Christine Modica. “We are also very excited to announce several other Glen Rock Businesses who are participating: Merve’s Kitchen and BakeryPainting with a TwistFrancesca Brick Oven Pizza & Pasta, Rock Row Jewelry, Glen Rock Veterinary Hospital, Glen Rock InnProminent Tickets and The Curious Reader.”

Bergen County Protect and Rescue is a No-Kill Animal Welfare Facility located in Cliffside Park. It was founded in 2012 by Bergen County’s very own local Animal Control Agency and concerned citizens. The idea of creating a no-kill facility came to be when animal control officers were forced to take lost and abandoned animals to surrounding veterinarians and animal shelters.

Rachel Israel, Stag House Co-Owner adds, “Several of our stylists and barbers, including myself, have adopted pets in our homes, so this is a really special day for Stag House. In addition to the adoptions, our newest Doe.Tique stylist, Vanessa Hettishiemer, will donate 50 percent of her bookings that day for blowouts.”

Stag House prides itself on supporting the community and using local businesses, products and services to promote each other. For more information visit or call (201) 670-0110. To donate to BC Protect & Rescue, visit:


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Jamboree Scholarship Fund applications are due through the RHS Local Scholarship Common Application by January 12, 2018


Reminder: Jamboree Scholarship Fund – 2018 – Apply now!

January 17,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, For 72 years, the Jamboree Scholarship Fund has raised funds for need-based college scholarships for graduating RHS seniors by presenting an original musical revue, “Jamboree”. Each year more than 125 RHS parents and guardians contribute to the show by singing, dancing, acting, performing in the band, designing and making costumes, building sets, and being back-stage heroes. The whole production and all Jamboree fundraising efforts are 100 percent voluntary.

Please support Jamboree by attending Jamboree Night Live on February 7-10, 2018 at the BF Middle School auditorium. For more information and to support Jamboree’s mission, please go to The Jamboree Scholarship Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) qualified charity and all contributions are tax deductible.
In the past decade, the Jamboree Scholarship Fund has distributed over one million dollars in scholarships to over 200 graduating seniors. In 2017 alone, Jamboree awarded $137,100 to 40 RHS seniors!

The Jamboree Scholarship Fund applications are due through the RHS Local Scholarship Common Application by January 12, 2018. The Jamboree Scholarship is a step toward fulfilling dreams!

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Online registration is now open for the 43rd Annual Fred D’Elia Ridgewood Run on May 28, 2018!

ridgewood run

January 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Online registration is now open for the 43rd Annual Fred D’Elia Ridgewood Run on May 28, 2018! See you there!

The premier road race in northern New Jersey. One of the longest running races in the tri-state area. There is something for everyone: 10K, 5K, Road Mile, Fun Run – the must-run event for all! USTAF members receive a $3 discount on the 5K and 10K race.

The 2018 Ridgewood Run 10K has been designated a USATF-NJ Masters Men and Women 700-point event!
*No strollers allowed in any race or fun run.

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President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 15, 2018, as the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday



January 12, 2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

“The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., dedicated his life to a vision:  that all Americans would live free from injustice and enjoy equal opportunity as children of God.  His strong, peaceful, and lifelong crusade against segregation and discrimination brought our Nation closer to the founding ideals set forth in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  Today, as we come together to honor Dr. King, we know that America is stronger, more just, and more free because of his life and work.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Dr. King, who was tragically assassinated on April 4, 1968.  As we approach this solemn milestone, we acknowledge our Nation’s continuing debt to Dr. King’s legacy.  Dr. King advocated for the world we still demand — where the sacred rights of all Americans are protected, rural and urban communities are prosperous from coast to coast, and our limits and our opportunities are defined not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.  We remember the immense promise of liberty that lies at the foundation of our great Republic, the responsibility it demands from all of us who claim its benefits, and the many sacrifices of those who have come before us.

Too often, however, we have neglected these ideals, and injustice has seeped into our politics and our society.  Dr. King’s peaceful crusade for justice and equality opened our Nation’s eyes to the humbling truth that we were very far from fulfilling our obligation to the promises set forth by our forebearers.

The Reverend’s devotion to fighting the injustice of segregation and discrimination ignited the American spirit of fraternity and reminded us of our higher purpose.  Through his words and work, he compelled us to hold ourselves to standards of moral character and integrity that are worthy of our Nation and of our humanity.

Dr. King once said:  “We refuse to believe there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this Nation.”  We must work together to carry forward the American Dream, to ensure it is within reach not only for our children, but for future generations.  As your President, I am committed to building and preserving a Nation where every American has opportunities to achieve a bright future.  That is why we are expanding apprenticeship programs, preparing Americans for the jobs of our modernizing economy.  We are also working every day to enhance access to capital and networks for minority and women entrepreneurs.  With all we do, we aim to empower Americans to pursue their dreams.

Importantly, in paying tribute to Dr. King, we are reminded that the duty lies with each of us to fulfill the vision of his life’s work.  Let us use our time, talents, and resources to give back to our communities and help those less fortunate than us. Particularly today, let us not forget Dr. King’s own tireless spirit and efforts, as we work, celebrate, and pray alongside people of all backgrounds.  As one people, let us rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty that bring us together as Americans, and as people who share a common humanity.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 15, 2018, as the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday.  I encourage all Americans to observe this day with appropriate civic, community, and service programs and activities in honor of Dr. King’s life and legacy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.”



January 12, 2018.

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“Jazz the way you like it” at Temple Israel in Ridgewood NJ on the 21st of January, 2018

"Jazz the way you like it" at Temple Israel in Ridgewood NJ on the 21st of January, 2018

January 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Artie Bressler and O.F.E. (Old Farts Ensemble) featuring Sherma Andrews will be performing at Temple Israel in Ridgewood NJ on the 21st of January, 2018 at 3pm. The ensemble features songs by Irving Berlin, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington and more…

“Jazz the way you like it”

Temple Israel: 475 Grove Street, Ridgewood NJ
For the Benefit of the Temple Israel Music Committee
$18 General Admission, $5 Students, Children are Free