August 6,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ , New Jersey Democrat Lawmakers are at it again ,and they want to take away your morning coffee. Under the guise of trying to crack down on distracted driving NJ Democrats are looking to ban anything that takes your hands off a steering wheel, including eating, drinking coffee.
Democrat lawmakers are currently pushing a bill, A-1908, that specifically prohibits a driver from engaging in any activity such as eating, drinking or using electronic devices not related to the operation of the vehicle. New Jersey already bans cellphone usage while driving.Violators could face fines from $200 to $400 for the first offense, $400 to $600 for a second offense and $600 to $800 for a third or subsequent offense. A third violation may also result in a driver’s license suspension of up to 90 days and a motor vehicle points penalty at the court’s discretion.
No surprise the bill is sponsored by Assemblyman John Wisniewski, a Democrat in Middlesex County, and Nicholas Chiaravalloti, a Democrat in Hudson County. The bill is modeled after a similar law in Maine that punishes drivers for using an electronic device, applying cosmetics or performing personal grooming while driving.
The bill was introduced early this year and has been referred to the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee. No votes have been scheduled so far but its August and the only people left in Trenton are the people with no friends perhaps sizing up another opportunity to pick New Jersey tax payers pockets clean.
Democrat Wisniewski has pushed similar bills in the past, saying that, ” education is an important goal not ticketing everyone who drives.” Sure John and have I got a bridge to sell you.
Once again Trenton is in a desperate quest for funds and clearly willing to say or do anything to get into your pocket. Will they next announce that the “Coffee fines” will make up for the public pension short fall or fund the Transportation Slush Fund ,we mean Trust Fund. Stay tuned you cant make this stuff up.