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Is Governor Murphy Squashing Dissenting Viewpoints on State Board of Education

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Jim Holzapfel, Assemblymen Greg McGuckin, and Assemblyman John Catalano (all R-10) said Governor Phil Murphy is attempting to squash any dissenting viewpoints on the New Jersey State Board of Education with new nominations announced yesterday.

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Time to Lift Restrictions on Restaurant and Bar Hours Before It’s Too Late

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, an Executive Order signed by Governor Murphy mandating bars and restaurants to suspend indoor dining between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. has been in place since the fall and continues to financially strangle the industry hit hardest by the pandemic. The 10th District Legislators, Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano have released the following statement requesting that the Governor remove the 10 p.m. curfew in order to prevent these small businesses from closing their doors permanently.

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Governor Murphy has decided to Close Many Wildlife Management Areas due to budgetary constraints

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Trenton NJ, In response to recent news that Governor Murphy has decided to close many Wildlife Management Areas due to budgetary constraints, the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance (NJOA) and the 10th District Legislators agree that this plan doesn’t make sense.  Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano are calling on the Governor to reconsider these closures and reopen the areas that are funded through profits made from the users of the parks and license fees.

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Pressure Mounts to Limit Governor’s Emergency Powers

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, In response to months of mandatory shutdown across the state, 10th District Legislators Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano have sponsored a resolution which would prevent the overreaching of the Governor’s executive powers.  SCR-117 and ACR-181 proposes a constitutional amendment to limit effective period of certain emergency orders, rules, or regulations issued by Governor to 14 days.

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Time to Open the Jersey Shore


the staff of the Ridgewod blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano are introducing a resolution today calling on Governor Phil Murphy to begin the immediate reopening of businesses in accordance with CDC guidelines to restart the New Jersey economy. The 10th District legislators stressed the importance of opening businesses on the Jersey Shore that rely on the summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day for the majority of their annual income. Without a plan to reopen before Memorial Day, many business owners at the shore are concerned for their futures and livelihoods.

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