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Northwest Bergen’s Best Known Beekeeper Comes to The Rescue of Ridgewood Home

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Northwest Bergen’s best known beekeeper, Frank Mortimer, safely removes approximately 15,000 swarming honey bees from a tree located immediately adjacent to a public sidewalk in the 400 block of Stevens Avenue, Ridgewood, less than one (1) block away from an elementary school. To ensure pedestrian safety, Ridgewood Police Patrol Officer Christopher Mormino stood by at the scene keeping a safe distance while Frank Mortimer worked. The incident occurred early Thursday afternoon, 05/19.There were no reported injuries .

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Beekeeper Removes 15,000 Bees from Ridgewood Home

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Kids do not try this at home 

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Frank Mortimer is Ridgewood’s best known beekeeper an adjunct instructor at the Cornell University Master Beekeeping Program, former Vice President of the New Jersey State Beekeepers Association, and a Certified Master Beekeeper. As president of the Northeast NJ Beekeepers Association—a position he held for over a decade—he significantly grew his club’s membership, aligned the Northeast NJ Beekeepers with Ramapo College, and founded the “Honey Cup,” an annual honey tasting competition.  Frank has promoted beekeeping throughout the Northeast by speaking to everyone from school children to gardening clubs and civic organizations.  He has led beekeeping seminars across the Northeast and at The New York Botanical Garden.

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