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Ridgewood Village Council Reorganization Meeting Love Fest

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photos courtesy of the Village of Ridgewood

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, at the Monday night Ridgewood Village Council Reorganization Meeting, significant transitions marked the start of a new chapter for the community. Newly elected councilmembers Paul Vagianos, Pam Perron, and Frank Mortimer were officially sworn in, while the Village bid farewell to outgoing Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds.

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Rethinking Artificial Turf: A Call for Informed Decisions and Healthier Playing Fields

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, local resident Cynthia O’Keefe recently shared her perspective on artificial turf and its potential risks, sparking a renewed conversation in the community. She has been vocal about her concerns, which focus on the health and environmental impact of artificial turf. In a recent post, she outlines why she believes this playing surface, particularly one that includes PFAS chemicals, is neither safe nor sustainable for our village.

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Political Pressure and the Fight for Free Speech: Ridgewood Candidate Stories

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

In Ridgewood, NJ, political competition hasn’t always come down to just policy or popularity. For some Village Council candidates, campaigns have taken unexpected turns, sometimes facing challenges beyond the usual debate stage.

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Behind Ridgewood United: Hidden Ties, Questionable Contributions, and the Influence Machine Shaping Local Politics

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a stunning revelation, recent findings shed light on the political machinations surrounding Mayor Paul Vagianos and his running mates. As Ridgewood gears up for local elections, new evidence suggests that the political group known as Ridgewood United—led by Paul Vagianos, Pam Perron, and Frank Mortimer—may have deeper, previously unexamined affiliations and interests.

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Village Council Candidate Frank Mortimer Assures Ridgewood Residents: Artificial Turf Fields Are Safe


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, during the League of Women Voters candidates forum, Frank Mortimer, candidate for Ridgewood Village Council, addressed concerns regarding the safety of artificial turf fields. Mortimer pointed to the findings of a federal report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which assures that artificial turf, including fields made from recycled tire crumbs, does not pose significant health risks.

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The “Bee Master” Checks Out the Hives at the Ridgewood YMCA

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photo courtesy of President & CEO at Ridgewood YMCA Ramon Hache

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Bee Master in his element. Special visit by Frank Mortimer @franks.honey to inspect the hives at the Ridgewood YMCA .

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Northwest Bergen’s Best Known Beekeeper Comes to The Rescue of Ridgewood Home

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Northwest Bergen’s best known beekeeper, Frank Mortimer, safely removes approximately 15,000 swarming honey bees from a tree located immediately adjacent to a public sidewalk in the 400 block of Stevens Avenue, Ridgewood, less than one (1) block away from an elementary school. To ensure pedestrian safety, Ridgewood Police Patrol Officer Christopher Mormino stood by at the scene keeping a safe distance while Frank Mortimer worked. The incident occurred early Thursday afternoon, 05/19.There were no reported injuries .

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Beekeeper Removes 15,000 Bees from Ridgewood Home

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Kids do not try this at home 

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Frank Mortimer is Ridgewood’s best known beekeeper an adjunct instructor at the Cornell University Master Beekeeping Program, former Vice President of the New Jersey State Beekeepers Association, and a Certified Master Beekeeper. As president of the Northeast NJ Beekeepers Association—a position he held for over a decade—he significantly grew his club’s membership, aligned the Northeast NJ Beekeepers with Ramapo College, and founded the “Honey Cup,” an annual honey tasting competition.  Frank has promoted beekeeping throughout the Northeast by speaking to everyone from school children to gardening clubs and civic organizations.  He has led beekeeping seminars across the Northeast and at The New York Botanical Garden.

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Local Author Frank Mortimer Book Signing of “Bee People and the Bugs They Love”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Frank Mortimer will sign copies of his book, “Bee People and the Bugs They Love”, on the Ridgewood Public Library patio (weather permitting). Bring your copy or buy one through Bookends. Registration suggested.

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Bee People and the Bugs They Love by Frank the Beeman

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, just in time for spring ,local beekeeper Frank Mortimer ( Frank the Beeman ) has released a new book called Bee People and the Bugs They Love . The book is an inspiring combination of humorous and feel-good stories about beekeepers intertwined with fascinating, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand information about honeybees.  The first book to answer the question: What type of person keeps bees? . The First book to spotlight the quirky, offbeat, and eccentric people that are passionately obsessed with the honey-loving bug. It is NOT a “how to” book.

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Ridgewood Public Library presents Ridgewood’s bee man, Frank Mortimer

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Wed, Feb 24  7pm | Sustainability Series | Set Up a Backyard Beehive

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Public Library presents Ridgewood’s bee man, Frank Mortimer, explains and demonstrates how “newbee” keepers can get started. Responsible for 80% of all pollination, honeybees are Earth’s most productive pollinator and keeping bee hives can help strengthen our planet’s dwindling honeybee population. No matter how much outdoor space you have, you can become a beekeeper. Register here.

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Ridgewood Parks & Recreation : An Introduction to Beekeeping!

Ridgewood swarm of bees
photo by Boyd Loving
Ridgewood Parks & Recreation**NEW DATE** for An Introduction to Beekeeping! A few spots left!
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Join Ridgewood Parks & Recreation on Sunday, April 5th, 11:30am to 3:30pm at The Stable, 259 N. Maple Avenue, Ridgewood for this half-day seminar taught by Frank Mortimer, Certified Master Beekeeper and author of “Bee People and the Bees They Love”. This seminar is designed for people that have never kept bees before, are thinking about keeping bees, and want to learn more. The cost is $50 for Ridgewood Residents and $75 for non-residents. Please see the attached flyer for all details.
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Quick Thinking Ridgewood Police Officer Calls in Bee Keeper to Contain Willard School Bee Hive

Ridgewood swarm of bees

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

May 19,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A swarm of bees gathered on the side of a large oak tree near a sidewalk 1/2 block away from the Willard Elementary School in Ridgewood attracted the attention of Ridgewood PD patrol officer Jeffrey Kay just prior to 12 noon on Wednesday, 5/18. Officer Kay deployed yellow caution tape to block the sidewalk near the tree, then remained on the scene to ensure the safety of parents and students until the bee swarm was safely removed by Frank Mortimer, President of the Northeast New Jersey Beekeepers Association. Mr. Mortimer, who lives in Ridgewood, had been delivering a presentation to students at the Ridge Elementary School in Ridgewood at the time he received a telephone call that his services were required by Officer Kay. The bees were carefully swept from the tree into a box, which was then placed in Mr. Mortimer’s station wagon for transport to a nearby hive.

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