Too many pedestrians are on their cell phones or concentrating on their music and never even attempt to stop or look before entering a crosswalk. This often requires a car to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting them while hoping that their car does not get real ended at the same time.
The second major problem that I find is that I do stop to let the pedestrian cross–but the car behind me does not and goes around me. This turns the pedestrian into a target. If a car is stopped without a signal, it usually means a pedestrian.
Thirdly, the tall plants at the corners are lovely, but after dark, they could easily be a person or vice versa
I also have no problem letting a pedestrian cross in the crosswalk and will always yield to them. As for jaywalking – good luck. It is nerve-wracking enough just driving thru town trying to get from one end to the other without hitting anything!. Watching for the transit bus, runners, jaywalkers, cell phone users, double parkers, sun glare and other cars not paying attention…..to name a few distractions
I find in Ridgewood a majority of people do not use a crosswalk they just step out from between parked cars children in tow and hope you stop. In the central business area, there is a complete lack of police enforcement of motor vehicle laws and nothing is ever done about dumb pedestrians stepping out where ever they wish.