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Neighbors accuse Healthbarn of violating their lease and changing the concept of Ridgewood ‘s Habernickel park

Healthbarn USA ridgewood

file photo by Boyd Loving

August 6,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Neighbors accuse Healthbarn of violating their lease and changing the concept of Habernickel park for this businesses benefit.

Healthbarn neighbors continue to to voice concerns that Healthbarn has a max of 95 private clients plus their employees. This means an excess of 95 people could be there at one time. Once again the Ridgewood blog wonders how did this actually pass village code when the home is only allowed to hold 50 people in total?

This is a major safety issue that could lead to legal obligations that could fall on the village in an emergency situation.  Are the business’ clients aware of the dangerous situation they are putting their children in?  If a business in town was exceeding the allotted amount of patrons would they be overlooked the same way the major issues at Healthbarn are being over looked?

Early on HealthBarn’s lease was questioned by many residents. The original lease was put up on the web site for all the residents. If there were changes approved after that, to allocate them more space, or to approve them to put up dog feeding station outside their allocated fenced area – all those documents should be part of the records being provided to the residents, just like their programs and their good deeds are being promoted on the village web site as part of their marketing on our expense. The Ridgewood blog has heard that a child was bitten by a dog on the property.

A quick walk in Habernickel Park we noticed that the parking lot lights seem to be moving forward.  It is difficult to understand why lights are being placed in a park that should be closing at dusk like ALL the other parks in town.

The lighting is going to be a huge quality of life disruption for many many neighbors.  Lights were already added to the gate house in several locations to benefit this business and remain on.