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Franklin Lakes Ok’s Rezoning of Cigna property

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Franklin Lakes Nj, the borough of Franklin Lakes Planning Board approved an amendment declaring that an ordinance proposing the rezoning of the Cigna property is consistent with its master plan.

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Franklin Lakes Council Postpones Vote to Rezone Cigna Property for Mixed Use

2023 03 22 hacken 2c r 907970857

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Franklin Lakes NJ, the borough postponed a vote to rezone the Cigna property for mixed use until August 15th . The vote was scheduled for action at the Borough Council’s July 6 meeting, but it was postponed that night until at least its July 18 session. Tuesday’s notice on the borough’s “Latest Buzz” website newsletter changed the vote date to Aug. 15.

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