photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
False Alarm Set off by Contractors summons Ridgewood Police
September 17,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The owner of a store front business establishment on East Ridgewood Avenue in Ridgewood inadvertently tripped his hold-up/panic alarm, and then failed to provide the correct “all clear” password to his central station alarm provider early Thursday afternoon, 09/17.
The first uniformed Ridgewood PD officer dispatched to the incident encountered a locked front door and observed the owner inside with two (2) adult males. Based on the circumstances at hand, numerous backup units were summoned to the scene. As the unknown males exited the premises, they were surrounded and detained until it was determined that they were contractors working for the owner, who had erroneously provided an incorrect “all clear” password to his central station alarm provider. No shots fired, no body slams by RPD – true professionals.