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Nothing to See Here: Another Dead Whale Spotted half-mile off L Street Beach in Seaside Park

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Seaside Park NJ, another dead whale has been spotted off the coast of Seaside Park. Police say that the whale was seen about half-mile off the L Street beach. That makes at least 11 whales found dead off the New York and New Jersey coast since December.

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Another Dead Whale Beached on the Jersey Shore

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file photo courtesy of The Marine Mammal Stranding Center

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Manasquan NJ, another dead whale washed up off the shore of Manasquan, making the incident at least the ninth whale found dead on New York and New Jersey beaches .The Marine Mammal Stranding Center team is on the scene to try to determine what type of whale it was and what caused it to die. Around 20 whales have been found dead in the last few months along the entire East Coast. It has become an environmental concern.

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