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Ridgewood Village Clerk Rejects One Village One Vote Resubmitted Petition to Vote on Taking Away Your Vote


Dear Ridgewood Community,

Today, August 13, we submitted a “supplemental petition” to the Village Clerk to cure the defects she identified with our original submission. The law allowed us just ten days to fix the issues identified by the Clerk, collect new signatures, and resubmit. Thanks to tremendous support from the community we were able to meet this tight deadline. And we did so with 582 signatures from Ridgewood voters, once again well more than the 410 threshold needed to put the question to consolidate Ridgewood’s elections on the ballot in November as a binding initiative.

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from RidgewoodRightToVote

Dear fellow resident,

Recently, you may have received an email from the Ridgewood Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Fishbein, in regard to a court action taken by him on behalf of the Ridgewood Board of Education. Unfortunately, that letter did not give an accurate and complete description of what he is doing or the repercussions to the community should he succeed in court.

Dr..Fishbein has entered the BOE into a costly legal battle with the County and State in order to challenge a state law, thus further extending the terms of current BOE trustees. The four current BOE trustees that support this have already had their terms extended by 6 1/2 months as a result of the BOE decision in 2013 to move our school elections from April to November. This lawsuit, paid for with your tax dollars meant for education, not only seeks to extend their terms for a second time, it would, if they win, create the opportunity for them to continually extend their terms of office simply by opting to change the date of school elections each year, or in select years to preserve particular trustees’ positions..

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Reader says If they were hooking up at the time campaigning for the 2012 election , that fact should have been disclosed to Ridgewood’s voters

Love American Style1

If they were hooking up at the time campaigning for the 2012 election was taking place, that fact should have been disclosed to Ridgewood’s voters. My bet is that Ms. X and Mr. Y would not have won in the 2012 election. I just can’t imagine voters would have knowingly elected 2 admitted adulterers to office. But then again, stranger things have happened around here.

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Reader say Ridgewood Voters are Getting What they Voted for from Phil Murphy

Tax and Spend Democrat Phil Murphy for Governor

The people spoke at election. People want Murphy. Regardless of damage he is about to inflict in everyone’s pocket and the state as a whole people just can’t resist his charm. He even declared he would rob people if elected via tax hikes etc. and Ridgewood voted 60% for him. He is so handsome and convincing, even the smart stay at home moms and their Wall Street husbands couldn’t resist. Rejoice. Phil is about to screw us en masse.

2017 General Election Results (Ridgewood)
38.2% Kim Guadagno
59.6% Philip Murphy


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Ridgewood Voters Are you Registered to Vote?

Vote Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Dana Glazer

October 11,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, not sure you are registered to vote ? New Jersey has a system where you can check your status .


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Ridgewood Voters Get Garage Buyers Remorse

Hudson Street Parking Garage
photo courtesy of Edward Feldsott
January 4,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, It seems that many who voted YES, voted ‘yes” for more parking. More parking yes , but not a monstrosity of a parking high-rise building being proposed for the Hudson Street parking lot. Many feel they were misled into thinking that a particular design had not been decided upon, even though this giant megastructure was the only option that was ever, in reality, on the table.

Everyone is quite aware of the peak demand parking shortage in our Village. The above is an image of what the proposed garage would look like. As you can see if dwarfs all the surrounding buikdings. If this monstrosity of a garage is not what you signed up for, when you voted YES for parking, please attend this Wednesdays Village Council meeting and let the Mayor and members of the Village Council know that this mega garage may work for Hackensack or Ft Lee but definitely does not fit in to the character of our Village. Furthermore, plans for any garage should be held off until the 4 impact studies are concluded. What is the point of having impact studies on traffic, etc… if our Village Council pushes through this huge garage.

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Ridgewood voters back parking garage proposal

parking garage cbd

NOVEMBER 3, 2015, 10:35 PM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015, 10:42 PM

RIDGEWOOD — Village residents voted to support a referendum proposal Tuesday that would bond for up to $15 million to construct a parking garage downtown.

The non-binding referendum, which was meant only to assess public sentiment on the plan, passed by a nearly 2-to-1 margin — 3,236 voted in favor, while 1,777 opposed. Village officials said voter turnout was around 30 percent.

The proposed garage, which officials hope to break ground on next spring, will be built on the corner of Hudson and South Broad streets, the referendum stated, and paid for “principally” with parking revenues. It would add about 300 parking spots to the dense commercial zone.

It is expected to benefit local commuters and residents, as well as customers of downtown shops and restaurants.

Village Mayor Paul Aronsohn said he felt “very good” about the results.

“This is something we’ve talked about in Ridgewood for decades, and it looks like we’re on the verge of making history,” he said. “A parking deck is something we really need. And the folks in Ridgewood came out in large numbers and they spoke with a very compelling voice today.”

Funding for the garage would come from Ridgewood’s parking utility, as well as county and state monies, the referendum said.