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The Electoral College is Shifting: Why Winning the White House Could Get Tougher for Democrats

Moving Van

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, new population projections from the U.S. Census Bureau suggest a challenging future for Democrats aiming to win the Electoral College and the presidency. Key Democratic strongholds like California and New York are projected to lose electoral votes due to population declines, while Republican-leaning states like Texas and Florida are likely to gain. If these trends continue, the political landscape could shift significantly by 2030.

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BREAKING : Trump Supporters Have Breached US Capitol Security

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the staff off the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, huge pro Trump rally has descended on the Capitol as DC Police and Trump supporters clash .

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) objected to recording his home state’s Electoral College tally at a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, triggering a historic debate and votes in the House and Senate.

The Capitol has now been breached by protesters  and protesters are inside the U.S. Capitol building.  Police appeared to spray mace at some angry Trump supporters who were pressing toward the Capitol on Wednesday as Congress began counting the Electoral College votes to certify the win of President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

Armed U.S. Capitol Police have locked down the Capitol building and evacuated multiple congressional buildings amid increasingly violent protests outside.

Vice President Mike Pence was taken from the Senate chamber.


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Former Lt Governor Kim Guadagno Joins Chorus of In Name Only Republicans

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Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein

Former NJ Lt Governor Kim Guadagno’s ad hominem attack on President Trump, published in the Star-Ledger on November 22, in which she admonishes the President to concede the election despite the fact that Electoral College has not yet met, and ignores the ongoing investigations into dozens of sworn affidavits on voting irregularities, shows how disconnected she is from the party she was once a part of. Guadagno has been MIA in the GOP since her phoned-in and failed gubernatorial run, including this election in which she helped zero Republican Congressional candidates. Moreover, the fact that according to Rasmussen 30% of Democrats believe there was voter fraud/criminality in the election, demonstrates how out of touch she is even with a significant portion of the Democrat Party she is now inexplicably attempting to court.

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Electoral College voter: I’m getting death threats

trump protests

By Alexandra King, CNN

Updated 4:27 PM ET, Wed November 30, 2016

(CNN)A college student from Michigan said Wednesday that he has received death threats after being chosen to cast an Electoral College vote for his state in December.

Although the presidential election was won by Donald Trump on November 8, it’s not official until December 19, when all 538 members of the Electoral College will come together to cast their votes.

Michael Banerian, the youth vice-chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, will be one of his state’s 16 electors. The honor of being selected, a role typically bestowed to recognize a person’s service and dedication to their political party, has come at a price, Banerian told CNN’s Brianna Keilar .
“Obviously, this election cycle was pretty divisive. Unfortunately it’s bled over into the weeks following the election and I have been inundated with death threats, death wishes, generally angry messages trying to get me to change my vote to Hillary Clinton or another person, and unfortunately, it’s gotten a little out of control.” Banerian said.
Banerian said he has been threatened with violence.