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Former Lt Governor Kim Guadagno Joins Chorus of In Name Only Republicans

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Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein

Former NJ Lt Governor Kim Guadagno’s ad hominem attack on President Trump, published in the Star-Ledger on November 22, in which she admonishes the President to concede the election despite the fact that Electoral College has not yet met, and ignores the ongoing investigations into dozens of sworn affidavits on voting irregularities, shows how disconnected she is from the party she was once a part of. Guadagno has been MIA in the GOP since her phoned-in and failed gubernatorial run, including this election in which she helped zero Republican Congressional candidates. Moreover, the fact that according to Rasmussen 30% of Democrats believe there was voter fraud/criminality in the election, demonstrates how out of touch she is even with a significant portion of the Democrat Party she is now inexplicably attempting to court.

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Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno Celebrates Tourism Successes and Improved Revenues


photo by ArtChick

March 10,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton, NJ ,Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno today attended the New Jersey Conference on Tourism to discuss the New Jersey Tourism Industry’s diverse attractions for all seasons and the improvements the industry has made over the last year.

New Jersey again set a record in 2016, with the tourism industry accounting for $44.1 billion in economic impact – an increase of more than 2.9 percent over the previous year. This was in part due to an increase in visitation to New Jersey, which increased for the seventh straight year. The number of visitors to New Jersey increased by 3.3 percent last year to 98 million.

“Over the last seven years, as the Lt. Governor and Secretary of State, I’ve traveled hundreds of thousands of miles across this great State seeing the amazing and diverse attractions we have to offer,” said Lt. Governor Guadagno. “So, it’s no surprise that the Travel and Tourism Industry had another year of increased growth across all seasons.”

In 2016, the tourism industry directly supported more than 321,231 jobs. When factoring in indirect impacts, more than a half million jobs – or nearly one in 10 of all New Jersey jobs – depended on tourism. The New Jersey Division of Travel and Tourism recently released promising numbers from the past year. In 2016, tourism in New Jersey generated $4.9 billion in state and local tax revenues. Without the tourism industry, New Jersey households would each need to pay $1,525 in order to maintain the current level of state and local government services.

To learn more about New Jersey Tourism, visit

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Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno Joins Republican Freeholder Campaign focusing on Reducing Property Taxes


Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno Joins Republican Freeholder Campaign focusing on Reducing Property Taxes

October 25,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Park Ridgewood NJ, John Mitchell  and the Republican Bergen County Freeholder team was joined by Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno at our District 39 headquarters. Her straightforward message was this: Stay on point about reducing property taxes and continue to work hard until the polls close on November 3rd.

As for reducing property taxes ,it’s interesting that the Democrats claim to have saved The Bergen County Taxpayers $200 Million on the Police Merger when it was then Freeholder John Mitchell who started the wheels moving on that project.

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The 4.3% Budget Passed yes at 7-0 but if not for the efforts of Republicans John Felice and Maura McMahon DeNicola that number would have been closer to 6%. Easy to call it a Bi-partisan Budget Solution when you outnumber 5-2.