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Knudsen and Sedon stack up the Endorsements from Local Organizations

knundsen and Seden

April 29,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Knudsen and Sedon continue to stack up the endorsements. They have been endorsed by Ridgewood citizen groups and Village residents. Knudsen and Sedon will continue to run a positive and respectful campaign based on facts!. Susan and Mike have a proven track record of supporting all Ridgewood residents, shared values, smart development, protecting and enhancing our environment, protecting Village neighborhoods and residents, keeping municipal taxes low, delivering quality services, and more.

Read full endorsements and letters to the editor at
-Ridgewood Residents for Reasonable Development -Citizens for A Better Ridgewood
-Concerned Residents of Ridgewood
-Friends of Schedler
-Ridgewood Wildscape Association
-Ridgewood Chinese American Association