You make simple arguments designed to hide the fact that 1) the NRA is a lobby group which gets its funds from its millions of law-abiding CITIZEN members (who vote accordingly), not a corporate treasury or union dues forcibly extracted from workers and 2) we already had in place all the laws necessary to have prevented Parkland, but the local and Federal government blew it badly in about a dozen different ways. The “March to Consolidate Coercive Power in the Hands of the Corrupt, Incompetent and Apathetic” was a Leftist-organized exploitation of poorly-informed kids to stifle reasoned, fact-based debate on this topic. They noticably excluded Andrew Pollack and Parkland students who deviated from the anti-gun myopia and shamefully used children to bash the NRA, Trump (but not Sheriff Israel) and register voters for Democrat demagogues who use crisis to further their agenda and quite frankly, can’t wait for the next shooting to occur.