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New Jersey Train and Bus Stations Drop-off Points for New York City Bound Illegal Immigrants

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Secaucus NJ, at least 13 buses have transported illegal immigrants to New Jersey, where they subsequently board buses and trains bound for New York City.

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Hacker Who Launched Attacks On Rutgers University Ordered To Pay $8.6m Restitution


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON NJ,  A Union County, New Jersey, man was ordered today to pay $8.6 million in restitution and serve six months of home incarceration for launching a cyber-attack on the Rutgers University computer network, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.

Paras Jha, 22, of Fanwood, New Jersey, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Michael Shipp to violating the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act. Judge Shipp imposed the sentence today in Trenton federal court.

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