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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village’s Parks Department employees are cutting up the trees which they take down into logs, andoffering them to Ridgewood residents for free at the Recycling Center, on a first come, first served basis.  We ask that you be please becourteous to fellow residents by leaving some for their use.

This saves the Village money, because we don’t have to pay to dispose of the trees which are cut down, and it also provides residents with freefirewood for their homes.  You may pick up the logs at the Recycling Center, during their regular business hours.

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Reader says , “the Village should sell the firewood and make money”

Tree Falls Knocking Out Phones and Power on High Street in Ridgewood

file photo by Boyd Loving

Well as a village tax payer for 40 years the village in the past 20 years used to give away when you compost and woodchips for free and delivery call for free. But dad have stopped. But that’s OK I understand . I was told that they have a buyer for all of the compost and wood chips Which is a good thing. So I think we could do the same with the wood , sell it and make money, it’s a no brainer .

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Reader says , “nothing Government does is FREE “

picture 381551

Hate to be a party pooper, but virtually nothing Government does is FREE.
There was certainly a cost for the staff to prepare the firewood.
If the rational was to reduce dumping costs, perhaps that could have been accomplished by selling the wood to a third party.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village’s Parks Department employees are cutting up the trees which they take down into logs, and offering them to Ridgewood residents for free at the Recycling Center. This saves the Village money, because we don’t have to pay to dispose of the trees which are cut down, and it also provides residents with free firewood for their homes. You may pick up the logs at the Recycling Center, during their regular business hours.