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The Cleanup from IDA Moves forward in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, tropical storm IDA damage  is still being cleaned up in Ridgewood . On Saturday we caught Dave’s Tree Service working a job at 344 highland Avenue. Dave’s Tree Service, LLC  is a Ridgewood based offering complete tree care company. Specializing in tree trimming, stump grinding, removal, bucket and crane services. Dave’s offers 24-hour emergency services, 7 days a week.

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Camping Doesn’t Have to Be Hard: Here’s How to Make It Easier

camp friday the 13th

When it comes to having a great adventure in the outdoors, nothing beats camping. Hiking is fun, kayaking is exciting, and mountain climbing is exhilarating, but camping is all of those things combined. Being out there in the arms of nature, surrounded by nothing but beauty, is one of the greatest experiences anyone could ever have. It is not, however, without its challenges. Camping can be hard and exhausting, but that’s only if you’re unprepared. Hiking shorts for women are designed with durable materials and comfortable features to ensure a pleasant and functional outdoor adventure.

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Reader says , “the Village should sell the firewood and make money”

Tree Falls Knocking Out Phones and Power on High Street in Ridgewood

file photo by Boyd Loving

Well as a village tax payer for 40 years the village in the past 20 years used to give away when you compost and woodchips for free and delivery call for free. But dad have stopped. But that’s OK I understand . I was told that they have a buyer for all of the compost and wood chips Which is a good thing. So I think we could do the same with the wood , sell it and make money, it’s a no brainer .

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Reader says , “nothing Government does is FREE “

picture 381551

Hate to be a party pooper, but virtually nothing Government does is FREE.
There was certainly a cost for the staff to prepare the firewood.
If the rational was to reduce dumping costs, perhaps that could have been accomplished by selling the wood to a third party.

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Reader says ,”Some think this is more about putting a feather in some ones hat “

Ridgewood shade tree

file photo by Boyd Loving

How much is this really saving the taxpayers. Because when you add in the labor rate & How much the maintenance for equipment is . It’s a little bit. Some think this is more about putting a feather in some ones hat. This is nothing new in thinking.Many other towns cut the tree down where it is , and stacked up and left on curb line for the residence to take. This is all well and good as long as it doesn’t take away from all the other responsibilities the parks. And being short on staff well At times you need to look at the big picture. Looks good on paper doesn’t it.