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Glen Rock to Clean the Rock

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photos courtesy of Glen Rock Historical & Preservation Society

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, according to the Glen Rock Historical & Preservation Society, work has begun…they have secured a grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities to clean and preserve our Rock!! Some work began this morning and the Society identified the survey marker used in the 1709 Ramapo Tract where the Rock was a dividing line. According to a Ramapo College history timeline, in 1720 there were only 60 people of Dutch/European descent living in all of Bergen County.

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Glen Rock Historical & Preservation Society : The Hopper Homestead

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Key Club students Olivia Thompson, Olivia Belasco, Zoe Hazeldean Betz, Key Club President Olivia Pugliese cleaned the Hopper Homestead sign for the GRHPS on National Historic Marker Day.
The Hopper Homestead was built by Hendrick Hopper on the corner of Ackerman and Hillman.

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