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Village of Ridgewood Now Spends $30K Annually to Monitor Pickleball Courts at the Glen School


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  the Village does not care how it spends our money. Recently they have hired a monitor to patrol the Pickleball Courts at the Glen School. The cost is $30K annually. By instituting there discriminatory policies they have given up $30k in revenue. The dislodged group now has grown to 221 members. They play in Montvale and Wycoff. The group has grown by 30% indicating the popularity of Pickleball. The Mayor and the Village Council  have no sense of fiscal responsibility nor do they care. The have sold out to satisfy one neighbor in the Glen School area.

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New Village of Ridgewood Ordinance Would Ban Non Resident Memberships and End Free Senior Badges for Pickleball


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, an ordinance was introduced  at the Village Council meeting as a first step toward resolving noise complaints by residents around Glen School’s courts.  The ordinance, introduced last week,  and will be up for a public hearing during a special Feb. 24 meeting. The ordinance would eliminate pickleball memberships for non-residents and an end to free senior badges.





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What does “NIMBY” Mean ?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the staff of the Ridgewood once again explores the topic of what is a “NIMBY” .

NIMBY, an acronym for the phrase “not in my back yard”, or Nimby, is a characterization of opposition by residents to proposed developments in their local area, as well as support for strict land use regulations. It carries the connotation that such residents are only opposing the development because it is close to them and that they would tolerate or support it if it were built farther away. The residents are often called Nimbys, and their viewpoint is called Nimbyism. The NIMBY tendency has been described as a bipartisan phenomenon.

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Reader ask for Pickleball ,Neighbor Balance


“Everyone in Ridgewood deserves to play sports, enjoy outdoor activities, and live in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood. While I am supportive of any sports for folks to enjoy, that enjoyment SHALL NOT be at the expense of someone else’s suffering.”

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Ridgewood Parks and Rec web page states: “The mission statement of the Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation is to preserve open space and provide facilities and year round recreational activities that meet the needs of all residents.”


Reader says, “The current brouhaha is just the latest iteration of an age-old continuing controversy regarding Glen School courts. As noted in this article and as also noted by a Blog respondent to another related article; back when tennis was all the rage, the hue and cry was raised by the owners of adjacent homes (hereinafter referred to as “NIMBYs”) over the use of the tennis courts at that time. So the old adage “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” is alive and well.”

Continue reading Ridgewood Parks and Rec web page states: “The mission statement of the Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation is to preserve open space and provide facilities and year round recreational activities that meet the needs of all residents.”

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Village of Ridgewood Declares War on Pickleball


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to the USA Pickleball Association, the game is “exploding in popularity,” particularly at community and retirement centers, with more than 2,000 sites in all 50 states registered with the association.

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Reader points out, ” that the placement of the pickleball courts here was done in the same way… arbitrary, capricious, with no prior notice to the neighbors or neighborhood”

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“Our heartfelt thanks to Mayor Knudsen. The neighbors of the Glen School playing area are grateful. We hope the pickleball players will find another form of exercise in which to participate in order to maintain their health during this difficult Covid-19 time. However, there are both public (free) and private pickleball courts in Bergen County which are located in non- residential areas, and which are available to Ridgewood residents. (Google it.) To answer some comments, I would say that the revenue brought in by pickleball each year is considerably less then the taxes paid by the Glen School neighbors each year. Perhaps you might agree that the taxpayers that live here deserve consideration. To the person who complained about the court closing being arbitrary and capricious, I would point out that the placement of the pickleball courts here was done in the same way… arbitrary, capricious, with no prior notice to the neighbors or neighborhood, during the prior administration. So, again, thank you Mayor Knudsen. I hope that by March 22, a way can be found to resolve this situation equitably for all concerned. And Happy New Year.”

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Residents Say Closure of Glen School Pickleball Courts is a Form of Age Discrimination

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age Discrimination is Live and well in Ridgewood. Earlier today the Village announced that it was closing the Glen School Pickleball Courts and the Tennis Courts until March 22. However they will keep the tennis courts at Somerville open for Tennis only. The PB Courts are frequented by many people. However many seniors use the Courts. Its their only form of exercise during Covid. This was done by the village in an arbitrary and capricious manner without any public comment. The fact that other like venues remain open is discriminatory. The fact that lacrosse soccer baseball and tennis are allowed to remain open clearly is a contradiction. The Ridgewood Pickleball Association has 153 members The bulk are seniors. This unilateral action by the Mayor not the Recreation Dept. clearly indicates that she has no concern for the Seniors in her community. Please reach out to the Mayor and have her rescind this order

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Reader says, “If Fishbein could have defended himself against the charges made against him and his administration, he probably would have”

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photo by Boyd Loving

“I looked at this impartially with no fore knowledge of the issues or individuals. If Fishbein could have defended himself against the charges made against him and his administration, he probably would have. Instead he put much more energy into making appeals to popularity. I believe the two board members in question saw some wrong doing and pursued it. My understanding is that Glen school is operating a day care open to outside residents at a loss and covering up that loss. So they are essentially making Ridgewood residents pay part of the cost of day care for people in other towns. This is wrong if it is true. But much worse is poor leadership during the current panic. There is simply no elevated risks to running the schools as normal and this is what should be happening.”

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Financial Alchemy at Infant Toddler (ITDC ) Program  

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, here is a case of Financial Alchemy . Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.

Exhibit #1   Notice $162,650 appear out of nowhere (unbudgeted)  for health benefits, and yes we all know they get health benefits with makes this particular interesting  and pensions were budgeted for $36,950 and the actual $88,408 . The actual was more than double the budget , we call that a big miss.   Its no Enron, and there maybe a good reason for all this  but these charges need to be footnoted and explained .

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No Accountability for the Infant Toddler Program ITDC at Glen School

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, clearly there is no accountability for an infant toddler program ( ITDC ) at the Glen School site. It appears, Superintendent Fishbein and Business Administrator Kelley gave account on March 2019 and August 2020. However, statements seem to be a stark contradiction of each other.

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Reader says Pickleball , just more of the “sounds of life “

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“We have lived in the Village for over 50 years and are grateful for the sounds of living that surround us. There are the sounds of hourly church bells, organ music, skateboarders, Ice hockey players, soccer & lacrosse games, parents cheering, summer campers, Graydon Pool swimmers, lawnmowers, teenage rock band practices, dogs barking, birds chirping, planes overhead, emergency vehicles rushing past day and night all these sounds remind us how FORTUNATE we are to have ears that hear and a town that accommodates people and life. There will come a time when all is silent. Today let us celebrate that people wish to be active and enjoy the Sounds of Life, including the relatively new sound of pickleball.”

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Ridgewood Parks & Recreation Unveils New Glen School Pickleball Courts

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photos courtesy of Ridgewood Parks & Recreation

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The four new permanent pickleball courts at Glen School are amazing! Watch for our instructional offerings next spring and have fun learning this fastest growing adult sport.

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David’s Bagels Worth the Trip

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp of Washington NJ, for those of you who live on the east side of Ridgewood , yes Gwenn the Glen School area is  part of Ridgewood , and had a chance to visit out neighbor to the east ,Twp of Washington you may have had the pleasure of stopping in for a bagel at David’s Bagels. Davids is located in a strip mall at 307 Pascack Road, Township of Washington, NJ 07676 .

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Discussion of Schedler Property and House MUST BE AN ELECTION YEAR COMING UP


AUGUST 5, 2015

1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor
2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act
Mayor:  “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin             board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and           time of this meeting.”
3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk
4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence
5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
6.         Presentations
a.         Senior Citizen Needs Assessment Survey
b.         June Year-to-Date Financial Review

7.         Discussion
a.         Parking
1.         Hudson Street Parking Garage Update
2.         Proposed 15 Minute Parking Spot

b.         Budget
1.            Capital Ordinance – Funding for Grant – Handicap Ramp at Graydon Pool
2.            Award Contract – F150 Pickup for Parking Enforcement
3.            Award of Contract Under State Contract – Purchase & Servicing of Firefighting            Equipment and Supplies
4.            Award Contract Under State Contract – Snow Plows
5.            Award Partial Contract – Siding Repairs to Traffic and Signal Building
6.            Award Contract – Maintenance Agreement for SCADA System and Software Support
7.            Authorize Change Order – Emergency Service Repair to Water Pollution Control          Facility SCADA System
8.            Authorize Change Order – Benjamin Franklin Middle School Drop-Off
9.            Award Contract – Printing Services – Ridgewood Water
10.        Award Contract – Consulting Engineering Services – Ridgewood Water
11.        Award Contract – Emergency Laboratory Services – Water Department

b.         Budget (continued)

12.        Award Contract – Lead and Copper and Water Quality Parameter Testing &   Compliance Services – Ridgewood Water
13.        Award Contract – Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water –             Ridgewood Water
14.        Award Contract – Emergency Repairs of Graydon Pool Well
15.        Approve Agreement with Washington Township – Paving and Curbs – Hampshire Road and Standish Road
16.        Approve Shared Services Agreement – Fuel – Ridgewood Board of Education

c.         Operations

1.                  2016 Village Council Meeting Dates
2.                  Establish Deposit Fees for Use of Village Barricades

d.         Policy
1.         Discussion of Schedler Property and House
2.         Middlesex Regional Education Services Commission Cooperative Pricing                                              Agreement
3.         Green Business Recognition Program

8.         Review of August 12, 2015 Public Meeting Agenda
9.         Manager’s Report
10.       Council Reports
11.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
12.       Resolution to go into Closed Session
13.       Closed Session
A.        Legal – Valley Hospital
B.         Personnel – Human Resources Position
14.       Adjournment