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Ridgewood EMT modifications have already been tested in February 2021 when no per diem EMT’s were available

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Fire Chief Van Goor divulged some interesting information to combat the rash of misinformation circulating in the mainstream and over social media about the per diem EMT issue . The Chief in an EMT FAQ rattled off a litany of Firefighter qualifications , who responds to emergency medical calls  and yes, the modifications have already been tested in February 2021 when no per diem EMT’s  were available .

Continue reading Ridgewood EMT modifications have already been tested in February 2021 when no per diem EMT’s were available

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the fly a new face has entered Ridgewood Politics


…..the fly has heard that a not so new face , new face was introduced to Ridgewood Politics. At a recent gathering hosted by the Siobhan Winograd and the Halaby’s at Upper Ridgewood Tennis Club, the new face of the toxic trio  was resident Alexandra Harwin. Harwin has the support of the “toxic trio” or the “3 amigos” known as Gwen Hauk , Paul Aronsohn and Albert Pucciarelli. This is the first time anyone has seen Albert Pucciarelli since the three were driven from office .Others in attendance were rumored council candidate Paul ” the wall “Vagianos . Who’s own candidacy is a bit controversial given the current social environment. Former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld was also in attendance .Local observers have called the “3 amigo” endorsement the “kiss of death “. Noticeably absent was Councilmen Jeff Voigt who’s antics on the dais have endeared him to many local town folk.

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Reader says The past council was open about how they wanted to destroy everything about the town that made it unique and charming

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

The present council is worse than the previous. The past council was open about how they wanted to destroy everything about the town that made it unique and charming. This council is devious and destructive. Watch them tear away at the islands around the train station next. And dig deep because parking meters will demand your coin from 8 a.m to 9 p.m. to fund an ugly , muggers paradise parking garage. I can just read the headlines now. Train riders robbed, injured, late at night coming home from NYC on train and getting their car from top floor of expensive garage. Expensive garage will have garbage strewn around and taxpayers will have to pay for the clean every day. Meanwhile the employee parking lot at Cottage Place is always empty, only a few cars parked there. What wonderful planning by the council. THE PAST COUNCIL KEPT TAXES DOWN. Not with this stupid council. Remember , never say never, I thought I would never vote for Aronsohn and gang, but I will next time. At least I will know what I am getting. Disappointment is too painful.

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Reader says Ms. Hauck has a long and close involvement with Valley Hospital and should recuse herself on any Valley vote


Reader says Ms. Hauck has a long and close involvement with Valley Hospital and should recuse herself on any Valley vote 

A perceived conflict of interest by legal definition need not entail any financial or business relationship to make it appropriate for an elected or appointed official to recuse on a vote.

Ms. Hauck accepted over $800 on the day of her election from an officer of Valley Hospital. So there’s a little financial hit–not much, but it’s telling. She says she paid it back–so what? It’s on her official campaign contribution list that must be submitted and is posted online.

Before Aronsohn tapped her, no doubt to her amazement, to run for council and become his lapdog in exchange for a vote on Valley, she spoke publicly at a village council hearing, saying that she would trust Valley implicitly to do whatever they wanted.

There are many more indications of her long and close involvement with Valley, notably when she was vice chair of its women’s auxiliary, fundraising to the tune of millions of dollars–a financial relationship that did not put money in her pocket (she didn’t need it) but did put a ton of money in Valley’s. Suddenly she was running for council and abruptly ceased all Valley fundraising and social events. Very convincing.

In short, this was hardly supporting AIDS funding or any real charity, although Valley continues to call itself nonprofit with a treasure chest of many millions.

Officials have recused themselves from votes for much, much less. She may yet see the wisdom of doing so and should be so advised by the Village attorney–he’s paid to advise the council for the good of the Village, right?–since a vote on Valley from her would have serious ramifications, including opening the Village to lawsuits.

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