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A business shouldn’t be allowed to operate out of a neighborhood park

Habernickel Family Park3

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, are the supporters of Healthbarn concerned if the lease doesn’t get renewed Stacey Antine will no longer do good for Ridgewood through her Foundation?  That is not what the lease is about it is about Healthbarn USA a private for profit business.   Healthbarn foundation is headquartered in Lyndhust.  So why does every thing written about Healthbarn talk mainly about the foundation not about her classes going on in the park?

Continue reading A business shouldn’t be allowed to operate out of a neighborhood park

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Reader says I hope the Village doesn’t make a mess of Zabriskie-Schedler House like they did at Habernickel

Schedler Park

Yes hopefully whatever they do over there you get more consideration that the habernickel neighborhood. Those people got fields that host 2 different sports games and practices and then a slap in the face with a private business that has bus after bus come and go. The business was given a large price of property and 12 parking spots. Village employees are constantly there doing one thing or another to help this business do well and all on Ridgewood tax payers dime. $20.000 front steps!!! When a family lived there the village did not have the maintenance it has now and our town sports had parking. Lose lose for us tax payers. Win win for healthbarn. Who are the fools now?

Maybe they can develop it into fields like habernickel and take away the peace and quiet that exists in that neighborhood too. And then after you put fields there you can add a for profit business like at habernickel that is generating a very large income for the private owner yet causing disturbances in the neighborhood on an hourly basis. Then if that isn’t enough utilize the passive side for children’s lacrosse because we all know how peaceful it is to have screaming kids and coaches in your backyard. Maybe schedler folk would enjoy all that the habernickel folk have to endure!! It is really great when it all happens at once. The never ending goings on of the private business, soccer and baseball practice on the fields and parks and rec lacrosse programs

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Reader says Critics Habernickel, Schedler and expansion of Citizens Park are using ,” alternative facts”

Save Our Schedler Members & Friends at the Schedler House3

file photo by Boyd Loving

The following info was taken from the 2010 “Open Space Committee Report to The Village Council”: The Village has been highly successful in securing state and county Green Acres Funds of approx. 5.1 million dollars toward the 10 million dollar acquisition cost of the three properties: Habernickel, Schedler and expansion of Citizens Park. We still remain eligible for additional grants in the amount of 2.1 million dollars for the properties. At a previous council meeting at the time, former VM James Ten Hove said the price of a large field at Schedler would be about 9 million dollars. The council dismissed any development there due to the cost and lack of funds. When I hear people say we paid over 7 million dollars of tax payers money for the Schedler property, I think they must be referring to ” alternative facts.”

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UPDATE : Ridgewood Neighbors Clash With Healthbarn over Busing

Habernickel Park Gate House
May 17,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Healthbarn busing continues to create problems in the neighborhood and now Stacey Antine Founder of Health Barn ,is referring questions to Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld and Tim Cronin.
Neighbors near the facility feel Healthbarn should be answering neighborhood  themselves and not referring questions to the Village .
Neighbors claim the buses are creating noise, traffic and pollution problems in the neighborhood as well  the obvious  dangers to pedestrians, cyclist and school children.
Stacey Antine is currently telling neighbors to stop contacting her  and contact the Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld with their issues and questions further inflaming the situation.
On May 16, 2016, at 5:17 PM, Stacey Antine, MS, RDN <> wrote:

Hi everyone, please take me off these emails.  I am following the lease schedule as best as I can to ensure the safety of the children and make it as seamless as possible for the neighborhood.  I’m working directly with Roberta and Tim to adjust as needed, so please direct your concerns or questions to them directly.

Thank you so much.

Stacey Antine, MS, RDN

Founder, HealthBarn USA

Author, Appetite for Life

Director, HealthBarn Foundation

NEW LOCATION:  1057 Hillcrest Road,