Trolls ,Bigots and Fools
May 4,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Many thought that the 3 Amigo’s Aronsohn , Hauck and Pucciarelli hit the all time low in Ridgewood politics but Arosohn’s pulling the strings for the Narcissistic driven Harwin campaign continues to break lower lows Attacks have been made on Village institutions, Jamboree, OLMC , the Ridgewood Police and Fire Departments as well as Preserve Graydon ,the Ridgewood Wildscape Association and Friends of Schedler. And once again the whole East Side of 17 was written off by perspective councilmembers .
But most distasteful have been the nonstop misogynistic attacks on the mayor. Attempts to bully the mayor during public comment by Mr Halaby, Lehmann and Delzio in the most frat boy , vulgar ,and bigoted tone have not done much to ingratiate the Harwin cause with Villagers .
Councilmen Voigt a Harwin ally has also attacked female Villagers from the dais and in court ,claiming “harassment”. The school boy mentality of these “masculinity challenged “, “men ” along with several others in the Village only further push voters to the Kundsen and Sedon corner .