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Harwin Campaign’s Strategy ; War on Women

Village Council -Halaby

Trolls ,Bigots and Fools

May 4,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Many thought that the 3 Amigo’s Aronsohn , Hauck and Pucciarelli hit the all time low in Ridgewood politics but Arosohn’s pulling the strings for the Narcissistic driven Harwin campaign continues to break lower lows Attacks have been made on Village institutions, Jamboree, OLMC , the Ridgewood Police and Fire Departments as well as Preserve Graydon ,the Ridgewood Wildscape Association and Friends of Schedler. And once again the whole East Side of 17 was written off by perspective councilmembers .

But most distasteful have been the nonstop misogynistic attacks on the mayor. Attempts to bully the mayor during public comment by Mr Halaby, Lehmann and Delzio in the most frat boy , vulgar ,and bigoted tone have not done much to ingratiate the Harwin cause with Villagers .

Councilmen Voigt a Harwin ally has also attacked female Villagers from the dais and in court ,claiming “harassment”. The school boy mentality of these “masculinity challenged “, “men ” along with several others in the Village only further push voters to the Kundsen and Sedon corner .

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the Ridgewood blog loves your comments


August 24,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood

Beverly NJ, In a recent report , “The Great Tech Panic: Trolls Across America” , WIRED magazine cited Beverly, New Jersey as home of the country’s most active internet commenters.

The WIRED article says that Beverly, a tiny city on the Delaware River between Trenton and Philadelphia with a population of 2,513, has 114 residents that were responsible for 150,151 comments in a 16-month period. That’s an average of 1,317 comments each., wow !

While the Ridgewood blog thrives on “comments ” and at times comments have been criticized for being highly controversial in nature , the exchange of information has had a net positive effect in the Village . The debate often centers around the balance between what is appropriate , politically correct  and whats just too far .

The Administrators try to balance free expression without letting commentators devolve into  3rd grade name calling.Sometimes it works and sometimes not. With most of the egregious comments coming from allies of the former mayor ,who also happen to be the biggest complainers about the blog.

The Ridgewood blog has been criticized at times for not posting certain comments and of coarse the blog has its share of trolls  and creepy stalkers . Several local stalkers seem to be suffering from deep physiological mental disorders and or drug and alcohol abuse issues.

Experience and data have demonstrated that often a troll on a particular topic  , is a quality poster on many other topics.

The Wired article analyzed 92 million comments over a 16-month period, written by almost 2 million authors on more than 7,000 forums and did seem to have the traditional media bias .

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Reader says We know there are two or three people who troll the Ridgewood blog and hate every word

kim jong il team america15 0

We know there are two or three people who troll the blog and hate every word. A former deputy mayor. The husband of a former councilwoman. A former fire chief who sent an ANONYMOUS threatening letter to a subordinate. The husband of a former village manager. A dapper little gnome who uses big words to compensate for the total lack of content in his diatribes.

For the few of you it is a simple solution, just don’t log into the blog (but….we know you cannot help yourselves!)

For the rest of us, the blog provides an open forum where we can say what we really feel. And I appreciate that James keeps vulgar language off.

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Feds Spend $499,571 to ‘Combat Online Trolling’


Project could help combat ‘troll armies’  

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
September 2, 2016 5:00 am

The National Science Foundation is spending roughly half a million dollars to combat “online trolling.”

A joint project by Northwestern and Northeastern universities is examining how to create “trolling-free environments” on the Internet. The researchers define online trolls as those who try to influence public opinion by boosting “misleading” and “inauthentic comments.”

“Today, almost every browsing click that users make is collected by numerous trackers associated with a variety of online services (e.g., advertising networks, online social networks, e-commerce platforms),” a grant for the project states. “Users have often expressed concern about the lack of privacy and control over their personal data. Nonetheless, despite a substantial effort to expose and control this prevalent behavior, the reality is that users keep accepting updated online privacy policies, which in turn grant the gathering of more personal data.”

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BREAKING : Ridgewood Blog Discovers Impostor Attempting to Post as Council Candidate Ramon Hache

Ramon Hache ridgewood NJ

May 8,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, here we go again the Ridgewood blog has discovered an impostor attempting to tilt the Village Council election results by posing the Village Council Candidate Ramon Hache . The blog comment scanner picked up the fraud .The Ramon Hache campaign immediately disavowed the email address and  the comments made .

After last year when an “anonymous” email was used to interfere with the election process and attempt to sabotage Mike Sendon’s job and and his candidacy the voting public is notable touchy about these types of deceptive tactics .

The nature of the comment was to look like Ramon was changing his position on Valley Hospital expansion.

Why you should vote next week for Ridgewood Council
2016/05/06 at 8:37 pm

No vote for Valley and it becomes Death Valley. Sorry but the
crumbling infrastructure of that facility needs a major revamp to come
close to being the reliable health center it once was. Population has
doubled, medicine has changed and improved and it no longer meets the
standards of a viable facility.

Why you should vote next week for Ridgewood Council
2016/05/06 at 8:37 pm

If there are not adequate changes to Valley hospital it will become
Pascack valley: EXTINCT! I personally like having a reliable health
care facility minutes from home. Valley is not and cannot be a valued
facility using a 1960s infrastructure.

Funny how several individuals on the “It takes a village” Facebook page “spent most of a Saturday evening complaining of censorship on this blog for not posting every comment no matter how false ,stupid, racist or bigoted .

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks” ,Spending an entire Saturday night till 1 am repetitively restating the same nonsense makes you look very guilty.  Too frequent and vehement attempts to convince others of some matter of which the opposite is true, thereby making themselves appear defensive, insincere and in the the Village is the hall mark of wrong doers like the “meter thieves”.

So here is a quick review on how comments get approved on this blog . First unlike the Village Council majority we do not publish threats . We do not publish racist or bigoted language . In general we try to minimize the name calling but there is some wiggle room on this one . If your willing to call people names be willing to be called names , alot of people have trouble with this one . Some times a rephrasing of a comment is all that’s needed to get it published . There is a lower standard for attacking public figures and politicians than there is for ordinary citizens. And remember even in Ridgewood there are a few “crazies” out there.

Open Forums depend on a certain level of honesty of their posters so “Trolling” is strictly forbidden .

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,often for their own amusement.

If you IP gets branded as a TROLL most of your comments will go directly to spam and we will never see them .

Repeat commentators are another issue , this is where a comment gets repeated for every post whether its relevant or not . The system will block these comments and they will end up in the spam folder as well.

Other issues ; often comments on police business are delayed. Sometimes a comment can  inadvertently disclose police business  and these are also held up for the sake of the officers safety and to not tip off the perpetrators .

Posting comments with links are also delayed , the links must be checked for viruses.

Sometimes comments are approved out of order , nothing diabolical just difficulty reading them on a mobile device.

The blog generally does not post comments on peoples personal life ,such as allegations of adulterous relationships, underage lovers ,drug or alcohol binges , teen issues and so on . Like everything there are odd exceptions.

Anonymity is an option and is and will remain available for readers protection.

And finally for editorial purposes sometimes comments are held because we think they will make a interesting posts ie Rurik Halaby’s insane diatribes.

The Ridgewood blog is an organic news source . News items are sprinkled among reader opinions continually generating more opinions and discussion . Like it or not the Readers are the blog and the editors operate more like a referees. Sometimes we weigh in too much and sometimes too little ,it not an exact science and it takes a lot of effort to balance freedom of expression with over the top name calling. Frankly we think its gotten better and better over the years with broader discussions and greater participation.

Thank you all for your support !

Posted on Story on Paid Russian Internet Trolls…..

images Story on Paid Russian Internet Trolls….. 

Hey PJ: Any chance Russian President Putin is paying some of your regular posters to chime in with poorly digested pieces of statist propaganda? Check this out (from today):

Russia uses an army of trolls on social media

While Russia’s president Vladimir Putin maintains an iron grip on the state-run media, the internet remains a big problem for Putin, as he’s had little ability to control Twitter and other social media.

Putin has responded to this problem in a bizarre way. According to documents examined by an analyst firm, since April a Russian firm called the Internet Research Agency, with a 2014 budget of $10 million, has been hiring hundreds of “internet trolls” to challenge any online article critical of Russia.

Each troll is expected to post comments on blogs and news sites 50 times per day. The comments range from lies and disinformation to abuse and profanity. Each blogger is to maintain six Facebook accounts, posting three times a day in each. On Twitter, they’re expected to manage 10 accounts and tweet 50 times a day. The Atlanticand BuzzFeed