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Village of Ridgewood Zabriskie-Schedler House Restoration Moving Along

schedler house

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, May is dedicated to National Preservation Month. Also known as Historic Preservation Month, the month celebrates the nation’s heritage through historic places. Organizations across the country promote a variety of activities on the local, state and national levels.

In the Village, Zabriskie-Schedler House  restoration is finally moving along .  We must admit we had our doubts . The home has officially been added to the New Jersey Register of Historic Places. Built in 1823 by John A. L. Zabriskie, the house sits on a triangle of land between Route 17 and Saddle River Road, part of Bergen County’s dwindling stock of 19th-century Dutch wood-frame homes.  This area play a significant roll as a cross roads during  the American Revolution .

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Reader asks what happened to the “RBA check “


“Schedler protected from RBA? Check” Speaking of “check” what happened to the $100000 check the RBA paid to fund the project? Why was the check never deposited as required by law? Who authorized Sonenfeld to illegally hold and return the money? More shenanigans from the rogue former village manager. Who knew about the bait and switch application for county grant money?