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Black Magic Bakehouse Brick and Mortar is Coming to Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, let’s welcome this new bakery on the west side coming to Ridgewood! Black Magic Bakehouse is opening our first brick and mortar on the west side of Ridgewood! It’s a very big, very scary step (especially doing it alone) . The demand has grown so much over the years that Black Magic Bakehouse pop ups have been selling out in under an hour!

Continue reading Black Magic Bakehouse Brick and Mortar is Coming to Ridgewood

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Kickstarter Plans to Move its Crowdfunding Platform to Celo blockchain

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Kickstarter has announced plans to create an open source protocol to decentralize the platform’s core functionality. Its goal is for multiple platforms to use the protocol. The company launched a new organization called Kickstarter PBC to develop the protocol and will be establishing an independent governance lab to engage with the public on the topic of protocol governance. It will use the Celo blockchain, which uses a consensus mechanism that is apparently carbon negative.

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Kickstarter hacked, user data stolen



Kickstarter hacked, user data stolen

The crowd-funding site says hackers broke into its systems and made off with data. Apparently credit card numbers escaped the attack.

by CNET News staff
February 15, 2014 1:54 PM PST

Hackers hit crowd-funding site Kickstarter and made off with user information, the site said Saturday.

Though no credit card info was taken, the site said, attackers made off with usernames, e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and encrypted passwords.

“Actual passwords were not revealed, however it is possible for a malicious person with enough computing power to guess and crack an encrypted password, particularly a weak or obvious one,” the site said in a blog post, adding that “as a precaution, we strongly recommend that you create a new password for your Kickstarter account, and other accounts where you use this password.”