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Legislators Discuss state fiscal crisis of unsustainable legacy pension and benefit costs at the NJ Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup for Bergen County

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photo courtesy of Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney was at Bergen Community College attending the NJ Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup for Bergen County with Senator Kristin M. Corrado and several other legislators. Our state faces a fiscal crisis of unsustainable legacy pension and benefit costs that suppress economic growth and competitiveness by crowding out needed investments in infrastructure, higher education, and economic development that other states are making. The legislature created the Workgroup to identify ways to address soaring pension and benefit costs, hold down property taxes, make state and local government and school districts more efficient, leverage the value of our assets, and mitigate the negative impact of the federal tax laws that target high-cost states.