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State Senator Kristin M. Corrado, “Bail Reform Simply Isn’t Working”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Kristin M. Corrado issued the following statement encouraging lawmakers to return to Trenton to address critical flaws in New Jersey bail reform that are putting Law Enforcement Officers and New Jerseyans’ lives at risk.

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Wyckoff Gets a New Eagle Scout

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photo courtesy of Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips (pictured) and Senator Kristin M. Corrado Congratulate  Wyckoff’s  Aidan Patton, for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. This, of course, takes years of dedicated and exceptional effort. Aidan’s project was amazing, demonstrating his compassion and commitment to those less fortunate than he. It was my honor to present this proclamation to Aidan on behalf of the Legislative Delegation in the 40th District, which attests to his dedication and tremendous work ethic.

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Senate Clears Corrado “Safe Haven” Bill Protecting Newborn Babies

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, legislation sponsored by Senator Kristin M. Corrado that protects the lives of newborn babies was approved by the New Jersey Senate.

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State Senator Says , “The MVC needs to stop using COVID as an excuse for its subpar service”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ. Senator Kristin M. Corrado chastised the Motor Vehicle Commission today calling the continued delays and congestion at MVC facilities “offensive” to hardworking New Jerseyans.

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Time for the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) to fully Reopen

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Kristin M. Corrado will introduce a bill that will require the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) to fully reopen according to pre-pandemic guidelines.

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New Jersey Schools Development Authority Used Zero Qualification Friends and Family Hiring Practices

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, Senator Kristin M. Corrado and Senator Steven Oroho blasted the Murphy Administration for deliberately and deceitfully turning the School Development Authority (SDA) into an unabashed patronage pit.

report published by the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation confirmed that top officials in Gov. Murphy’s inner circle were well aware of the patronage hiring spree by disgraced former SDA chief Lizette Delgado-Polanco.

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Legislators Discuss state fiscal crisis of unsustainable legacy pension and benefit costs at the NJ Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup for Bergen County

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photo courtesy of Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney was at Bergen Community College attending the NJ Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup for Bergen County with Senator Kristin M. Corrado and several other legislators. Our state faces a fiscal crisis of unsustainable legacy pension and benefit costs that suppress economic growth and competitiveness by crowding out needed investments in infrastructure, higher education, and economic development that other states are making. The legislature created the Workgroup to identify ways to address soaring pension and benefit costs, hold down property taxes, make state and local government and school districts more efficient, leverage the value of our assets, and mitigate the negative impact of the federal tax laws that target high-cost states.

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UPDATE :Governor Phil Murphy Tours Flood Damaged Areas in Little Falls and Woodland Park, Declares State of Emergency

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photos courtesy of Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Little Falls NJ, Senator Kristin M. Corrado,Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips , Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney with Governor Phil Murphy, Mayor Kazmark and Mayor Damiano toured the damage caused by Saturday’s flooding in Little Falls and Woodland Park.

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