Stick Ball Tournament to Help Homeless
September 22,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Mt. Carmel Church’s Homless Retreat Ministry.The OLMC Knights of Columbus Council in partnership with the Run for Hope Foundation will once again support Mt. Carmel’s Homeless Retreat Ministry with their annual stickball tournament.The Homeless Retreat Ministry holds retreats for recently homeless men and women to offer them spiritual and community support. To hear about the experience of these retreats click the photo to the right.
Homeless participants experience the following:
HOPE – in a future that can be brighter than their recent past.
FAITH – by being given the gift of time to discover and explore their relationship with God.
UNITY – through a caring network of men and women from different socio-economic conditions.
All proceeds from the stickball tournament will be donated to the Homeless Ministry.
Dear Friends,
Last year I, along with a small group of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parishioners, joined forces to launch a Homeless Ministry. Over half a million men and women in the U.S. are homeless. Many of them are suffering from the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction. Our ministry works with homeless men and women who are on the road to recovery by providing spiritual retreats. The work of our ministry will help these men and women to set a new and renewed path in their lives. We held our first retreats earlier this year. Click on the video link below to hear testimonials from some of this year’s participants.
The work we do is only possible through the generous support of our community. Through the overwhelming generosity of the Run For Hope Foundation, the Knights of Columbus, friends, family and parishioners, we were able to launch our ministry. We now need ongoing support to continue our work. The OLMC Knights of Columbus Stick Ball Tournament is a fun and exciting way to contribute. Please consider forming a four-person team for $25 per person or simply donate if you are not able to participate.
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Ramon Hache
Tournament Details
Date: October 7, 2017
Registration: 9:30 am
Tournament Start: 10:00 am
Tournament End: 2:00 pm
Add to Calendar
Details: Teams of 4 (co-ed welcome) $100 or $25pp
Picnic lunch included
$120 at Door
FREE T-Shirt guaranteed for registered teams by Wednesday, September 27th.
15 minute intermission with short program describing the charity
Can’t make it but want to donate?
Make check payable to:
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Homeless Retreat Ministry
1 Passaic St.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
or make a donation by credit card:
Click HERE https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee8yt5s13f47724c&llr=8qtry8dab
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
1 Passaic St.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450