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Reader says A garage was never meant to be at that location until the Aronsohn crew began pounding it into our heads

Ridgewood 3 amigos

I feel horribly sad that this stupidity was not put behind us as many believed would happen after the referendum. True, the referendum applied to a specific bond and a specific price, but as others point out here, we’re approaching that dollar figure anyway. HORRORS, especially at this moment in the village’s fiscal history. A garage was never meant to be at that location until the Aronsohn crew began pounding it into our heads. Building it is a big mistake that will be recognized soon, when the money has been spent and that little corner destroyed.Smaller is better, but merely reconfiguring and resurfacing the lot would be even better and cost relatively nothing. I believe this council is allowing itself to be swayed by the squeakiest wheels in town, many with much to gain, financially or politically, from the construction of this monstrosity and others. Those council members who still have a conscience and common sense will deeply regret their decision. Like an engaged person who can’t face admitting that love is gone and dreads the upcoming marriage but can’t disappoint their parents and friends or justify losing the money already spent, we will apparently go through with this, only to rue it later. It will be too late to get a divorce before the first anniversary, as can happen in such cases. Such an edifice in that spot will be ugly and overbearing at any price and in any style…it will cast shadows over a nice sunny area with outdoor tables…it will increase traffic that is already near-lethal. And it will cost us dearly when dollars are badly needed in the municipality for other things.

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The fall of retailers means doomsday for malls


By Jonathon Trugman

May 14, 2017 | 2:12am

American retail culture may well have reached a tipping point.

Major department stores are floundering about like fish in a rapidly draining pond after reporting dreadful earnings last week.

The time-honored multigenerational giants like Macy’s, Sears and JCPenney are all looking at a dramatically different future.

Macy’s stock collapsed 17 percent after Thursday’s first-quarter report. And high-end retail behemoths like Nordstrom are getting clobbered, too. Shares of that politically petulant retailer fell 11 percent Thursday on news of its first-quarter results.

Better take a good look, because this may be last call for the mall.

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VILLAGE COUNCIL WORK SESSION TONIGHT : Flag Flying Policy,Parking Garage,Ridgewood Water ,Valley Hospital and Schedler Property




MAY 3, 2017


1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin   board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission       to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and           time of this meeting.”

3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk

4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person – 40 Minutes in Total)

6.         Presentation:

a. Addition of Name to War Memorial

b. Estate Card – Property Tax Reduction

c. PIKE – Parking Garage

7.         Discussion:

a. Ridgewood Water

Water Conservation Ordinance

b. Parking

1. Village Hall & Library Parking Lot

c. Budget

Award of Contract – Firehouse Roof

Award of Contract – Rebid of School Bus Transportation

Authorize Additional Funding for Special Attorney for RCRD

Award of Contract – Rock Salt

Award Professional Services Contract – Historic Consultant – Schedler Property

d. Policy

1. Flag Flying Policy for Village-Owned Lands and Buildings

2. Boards and Committees – Structures and By-laws

3. Amend Chapter 212 – Parks & Recreation Areas – Prohibition of Dogs in Parks

e. Operations

1.   County OEM Shared Services Agreement – Borrowing of Equipment

2.   Encroachment Agreement Resolution

3.   Amending Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Illuminated Signs in the Business District

8.         Review of May 10, 2017 Regular Public Meeting Agenda

9.         Manager’s Report

10.       Council Reports

11.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

12.       Resolution to go into Closed Session

13.       Closed Session

a.   Legal – COAH; Valley Hospital; Divestiture of Ridgewood Water

b.   Contract Negotiations – Whole Foods; Property for Green Acres Division

c.   Personnel – Appointments to Boards and Committees; Appointments of Professionals

d.   Personnel/Contract Negotiations – Blue Collar, White Collar, and Supervisory Unions

14.       Adjournment

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A Parking Garage in Ridgewood Will Not Solve this Problem

A Parking Garage in Ridgewood Will Not Solve this Problem

photo courtesy of DT

April 26,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, pulled this picture off of Facebook , it would limply the problems in Ridgewood run far deeper that building a parking garage . Perhaps a picture is really worth a thousand words. .

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Readers fear the Hudson Garage will be new blight magnet for Ridgewood

Ridgewood Police officers made fast work of nabbing suspected shoplifter

file photo by Boyd Loving

garage fiasco tax ahead , shedded space for drug dealers off the trains..police don’t leave their suvs today you think they will blink an eye to patrol any new parking garage..not a chance..will be the new blight magnet for closed retail stores folks..there will be crappy rental car stations and other alternate businesses there to hide this fiasco

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Ho Ho Ho , don’t worry folks. Yes, taxes will go up up up because of the garage


Ho Ho Ho , don’t worry folks. Yes, taxes will go up up up because of the garage, but if you buy thousands of dollars of items in the central business district , you will get a discount on your taxes. What $10. Remember, Hache said they are working on a plan to offer rewards for shopping in business district ; you get a property tax discount. My foot !

Ridgewood will lose its distinction of being charming and villagey and quaint. And the garage will need a big police presence. Very muggable at night in the dark. Police cost money ; raised taxes, big time.

And it is a horrible location. That intersection now is the pits to drive through.

Yes, how will the garage be paid for? Raised pricing on parking? I won’t pay more to park and spend in the CBD. Even with the promised discount on my taxes.
They will tell us that the garage will pay for itself, with use? I ain’t usin it. Even in the daylight, it is a trap for muggers.

Huge , no matter what size and ugly for charmin historical Ridgewood.

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Reader says Ridgewood is a destination


file photo by ArtChick

Ridgewood is a destination. If you park them they will come. Parking is not just for commuters. It’s for restaurant goers, shoppers and patrons of other businesses. But sadly that ship has sailed. So Ridgewood’s reputations as the town with no parking will continue to proliferate, drivers will continue circling as pedestrians continue having accidents, and the types of businesses we would like to attract will avoid us without assurance of parking for customers. Lack of forward thinking is keeping us locked in a past that is no longer viable and now the damage is beginning to show as businesses leave town. Ridgewood is not a mall, and we should not equate failing Macy’s or Sears with Ridgewood’s CBD, which offers a completely different experience of boutique shops and specialty stores, restaurants and pretty park. I don’t come to town to get my shoes fixed or my nails done. I come to Ridgewood because it’s a nice place to go. The parking garage was a good idea, the study was done, the plans were made – it should have moved forward

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Reader says I see the sign every day as I drive up Franklin and it says ” Town Garage”! can the message be any clearer?


The old town garage site which is in the process of being remediated due to gasoline and dry cleaning contaminants is the perfect place for a new garage if it is deemed needed. It is in the center of town baking it useful to employees, shoppers, diners and commuters. Franklin Avenue is in desperate need of a makeover. It is a wide much used street and could fit in quite nicely. In 2008 aproposal was made to put in apartments over some shops and a garage with a small park ( trees and a bench or two) on the Franklin Avenue side. At the time the developer would have done the cleanup.

Tanks have been removed already There is 900,000 dollars in the budget for cleanup and the DEP is coming in March to test soils in the area

It is now 2017, we are doing the remaining cleanup and could own the entire area with minimum difficulty. Now we have an asset and would be in control of how we develop it. An enviable position to be in and a much better spot than the Hudson Street location which is a narrow street, across from a church and could have a negative impact on small businesses in the area. I see the sign every day as I drive up Franklin and it says ” Town Garage”! can the message be any clearer?

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New Jersey Appleseed Public Interest Law Center : Referendum Petitioning

Ridgewood garage referendum

Ridgewood friends,

If it weren’t for the guidance and extensive knowledge of Renee Steinhagen, Executive Director of NJ Appleseed, we would be dealing with a massive parking garage, encroaching halfway into Hudson Street, being funded, built and run by the BCIA. Renee and her staff gave us the tools we needed to defeat the massive garage proposals. They have extensive knowledge of referendum petitioning, and were incredibly supportive.

When asked to send to send a bill, Renee said she will not, but rather requested our group contribute to NJ Appleseed, so that they can continue their mission:
“New Jersey Appleseed Public Interest Law Center is a non-partisan, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. For over 10 years, we’ve striven to correct systemic problems that are at the root of injustice in our state.”

This is the link to donate online. Share this link with your Ridgewood friends!

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Reader says The taxpayers don’t want any garage on Hudson street

Ridegwood parking Town  garage 12:10 5 24 2016

We should be honest about what is driving this endless discussion.Note last massively expensive boondoggle on Hudson Street which took an unprecedented Referendum that our own Mayor and management was
Involved in those petitions and steering.

The taxpayers don’t want any garage on Hudson will be a money crime and urban blight as any transit center garage becomes..look at any similar models.It will attract out of towners to flog our streets with transitional commuters not interested in most businesses outside of Coffee grab and go small shops near the train station.

ReLine and pave the existing surface lots at Hudson,Cottage place and the central district lots . Allocate some employee parking and incent those
Employers to enforce that accommodation .yes and everyone will have a walk a bit more that’s the Vallet services who wisk those visitors away
from ridgewood despite the dreams of the small shops to attract walking
Customers who might take a look or pick up a specialty item on the way to their cars parked on surface lots or God forbid at the train station on weekends that almost always have visitor and resident parking after six.

My priority is not to make the restaurants happy on my dime/taxes and fees in ridgewood drive the Boomers to cash out and leave.Lets get a grip on this endless parking less the possible housing boondoggles that Englewood Morristown and other Towns have suffered

We don’t want to be a Transit Village,we want to be a smarter Ridgewood
Town leaders figure this out and out Taxpayer first( not restaurants for a change ) lets wish our new management Luck.Middle ground solutions needed..Uber logistics on short trips is taking over the world.

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Reader says Ridgewood Planning Board lawsuit indicates that Pucciarelli should have recused earlier

Ridgewood 3 amigos

Well this is off subject but I do not know where else to post it. The Ridgewood News today has a great article about the high density housing fight. A lawsuit indicates that Pucciarelli should have recused way earlier than he did. When asked by the reporter to comment Mr. Pucciarelli declined. Love it. Mr. Big talker who could not shut up ever when he was on the dais now has his mouth shut. Have a crappy weekend Big Al the Developers Pal.

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The Ridgewood News opted not to publish a response from me, almost identical to the above letter, regarding Mr. Schimmel’s letter.


Editor, The Ridgewood Blog:

On Friday, August 1, The Ridgewood News published a letter to the editor entitled:  “New driver frustrated by lack of village parking.”
Not surprisingly, the author of the aforementioned letter, Mr. James F. Schimmel, failed to mention that his family owns the commercial building located at 20-26 East Ridgewood Avenue, which is less than 150 feet away from the proposed Hudson Street parking garage.
Certainly, the value of said property would increase if the parking garage were built and rental fees for it could be increased as well.
Yet another letter writer who chose to omit key information from a letter to the editor about the proposed parking garage.  When will it end?
Boyd A. Loving
Ridgewood resident
Note:  The Ridgewood News opted not to publish a response from me, almost identical to the above letter, regarding Mr. Schimmel’s letter.
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Ridgewood Councilman Voigt is proposing the formation of an investigative body ; But I think its Past Time to Call the AG’s Office

Ridgewood Village Council

photo by Boyd Loving

Editor, The Ridgewood Blog:

During a Village Council Work Session held on Wednesday, August 3rd, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt publicly stated that he was approached by two (2) unnamed individuals who are “willing to testify” with respect to possible unethical, unlawful, and/or illegal actions that took place in connection with a previous Village Council’s introduction and subsequent passage of several ordinances related to the construction of high density, multi-family housing in Ridgewood.  Councilman Voigt is proposing the formation of an investigative body, fully funded by Ridgewood taxpayers, to issue subpoenas, conduct interviews, hold public hearings, deliberate, and release findings/recommendations relative to this matter.

Although I wholly support finding out if there were any unethical, unlawful, and/or illegal actions that took place in connection with the previous Village Council’s introduction and subsequent approval of several ordinances related to the construction of high density, multi-family housing in Ridgewood, I am NOT supportive of the formation of a investigative body funded by Ridgewood’s taxpayers if Councilman Voigt, or anyone else on the Village Council, is already in possession of information that could be passed to an appropriate governmental investigatory agency, such as the NJ State Attorney General’s Office.

Why spend Ridgewood taxpayers’ money if there is already an agency that could handle this for us?  Having an independent agency conduct the investigation would also serve to calm those who are already shouting “this is going to be nothing more than a witch hunt!”

If Councilman Voigt or anyone else on the Council has details of improprieties having taken place, he/they should PICK UP THE PHONE NOW AND CALL THE AG’s OFFICE – DO NOT HESITATE!  There is no need to begin the long, drawn out, VERY EXPENSIVE process of forming a committee, issuing subpoenas locally, and conducting public hearings – I would view the initiation of such a process as intended to serve publicity purposes only.

Again, let’s cut right to the chase on this one – If someone is willing to testify that they are aware of things having been done that violated laws, DROP A DIME NOW!

Let’s stop the pussyfooting around and get on this immediately!

Thank you.

Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewood resident/taxpayer

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Councilwomen Gwenn Hauck takes the fall for Promoting Ridgewood Parking Deck Referendum



July 1 2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, What we asked for follows immediately below.  What we got is attached.

So Gwenn Hauck was behind this all (see invoice)?  I SERIOUSLY doubt it.  I guess they needed a fall guy for some reason.

4089 and 4091 total emails sent


During date range June 9, 2016 through and including June 21, 2016:

1)       The number of intended recipients and any and all “e-notices” sent by Village of Ridgewood employees and/or agents regarding matters related to the special election concerning “Parking Deck” Referendum Election scheduled for June 21, 2016.  That is, how many unique e-mail addresses were included in said “e-notice” distribution(s).

2)      Information Technology data associated indicating the total number of “clicks” or “hits” on:   a) referendum “page”, b) referendum “guide,” and c) video associated with said matter.  That is, how many “clicks” or “hits” were there on the referendum page, referendum “guide,” and the video.

3)      Copies (via DVD) of any and all versions of said video that at one time or another were posted on during the date range noted above.

4)      Copies of any and all outstanding and/or paid invoices associated with the production and/or distribution of the video content associated with numbers 1, 2, and 3 above.

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In Ridgewood, a question of ‘What Now? after garage referendum



RIDGEWOOD — The public’s overwhelming rejection Tuesday of a bond ordinance that would have financed a municipal parking garage on Hudson Street has many residents wondering what the next proposed solution will be to the village’s perpetual parking woes.

The question is difficult to answer for several reasons, including uncertainties.