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Woman Sprays Herself with Pepper Spray During Altercation with Another Customer at Dunkin Donuts in Glen Rock

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on Thursday March 23rd at 11:06 AM , Glen Rock Police Patrols and an ambulance were dispatched to the Dunkin Donuts on the 800 block of Prospect Street in response to a report from a store employee of a woman who had sprayed herself with pepper spray.  Upon arrival, they rendered aid to a 21-year-old Fair Lawn woman who refused further medical attention.

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Pepper Spray Released Multiple Injuries at Fair Lawn High School Reported

Pepper Spray Released Multiple Injuries at Fair Lawn High School Reported

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

May 26,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, At approximately 1:45 PM on Thursday, 05/25, Fair Lawn PD, EMS, FD, and Heavy Rescue personnel responded to a report of a chemical release with multiple injuries at Fair Lawn High School, 14-00 Berdan Avenue, Fair Lawn. Upon arrival, first responders observed that the entire building was being evacuated. The chemical was determined to have been pepper spray that had been released via canister in a stairwell of the building. Although there were reports of students choking and gasping for air, no one was transported to the hospital for treatment. Fair Lawn PD is investigating the source of the pepper spray canister.

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