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Reader says He is the biggest liar in town

jeff voigt

file photo by Boyd Loving

Councilmen Voigt is the biggest liar in town. Lied to friends and neighbors faces. He should be ashamed and his family embarrasses. I would die if he was my dad or husband. But he doesn’t seem to care about anyone !

And he claims to be a numbers guy and aware of town finances. Maybe he should take a second and look at the waste of tax payers dollars at his beloved Healthbarn.
$3800 a month for 6 years. No annual increase!! Use of 11 acres for the businesses own private profit. Maintenance done by parks and rec constantly, security, lights 12 parking spots ( what is that worth in Voight world). And of course the horrible looking garden. What a disaster that was!! A waste of all of our tax dollars. They also offer classes that directly compete with parks and rec programs and other businesses owned by Ridgewood tax payers. So disappointing for the town to allow this in a park!

Does anyone really know what goes on there??? I would love to know. I see the lot full to capacity many times a week, busses coming and going all day long chartered busses lingering and idling on hillcrest. Loud parties on the back porch. Other parties that must be very private because the curtains are closed tightly those evenings!! Why all the security?? What is going on since this business came to the park ???

We all know Jeff and friends go there. He actually hosted a party there that had alcohol. Is that healthy living ?? Were there kids there learning healthy eating habits during this? That’s what was presented to the council at the meeting 2 years ago. The use was changed to educational and recreational. Is this the ” new recreation”?
Oh Jeff and friends when will it end?