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Ridgewood Knights Council #1736 Host Annual Senior Citizen Christmas Party

santa knights of columbus

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 will hold their annual senior citizens Christmas party in the Parish Center at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on Sunday, December 16th, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.   Guests will be treated to a buffet lunch, entertainment, Christmas carols, and a surprise visit from Santa Claus. The Knights are proud to host this event every year, honoring the finest citizens of Ridgewood. 

For more information, please call Mark Stappenbeck at (201) 444-3346

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus – 10th Annual Stickball Tournament.


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 is once again proud to be hosting their annual stickball tournament on Saturday, September 29, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Passaic Street in Ridgewood.

Continue reading Ridgewood Knights of Columbus – 10th Annual Stickball Tournament.

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance

St Patrick Shamrock Image


February 26,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus are once again proud to be sponsoring their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 24, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mount Carmel gymnasium at 52 Passaic Street in Ridgewood.

Hosting the annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance has been a Knights tradition for many years in Ridgewood. Guests are first be greeted by bagpipers. The Best of Everything will cater a full-course of traditional Irish fare including corned beef and cabbage. The Celtic Cross Band will be playing Irish classics and great dance music, along with a special appearance by the Irish Step Dancers. There will also be a grand prize raffle drawing for a trip to Ireland, with the proceeds going to benefit many local and worthy charities.

Come enjoy this annual celebration as the Knights of Columbus continue the tradition that the People of Ireland started over a thousand years ago. And what better way to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick then to gather with friends and family, enjoy a fine meal, and dance to great music!

Tickets are $55 per person.

For more information, please go to:

Come out and celebrate St. Patrick’s with the Ridgewood Knights!

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Annual Stickball Tournament

Stickball 1

October 2,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 is once again proud to be hosting their annual stickball tournament on Saturday, October 7, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Passaic Street in Ridgewood.

Enjoy a fun Fall event with friends and family to support a good cause. Now in its eighth year, the Ridgewood Knights of Columbus, in partnership with the Run for Hope Foundation and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, is sponsoring this community stickball tournament to benefit recently homeless men and women who struggle with addiction, through Mt. Carmel’s Homeless Retreat Ministry. The Homeless Ministry Retreat is a spiritual program to help transform lives for the recently homeless. Through the retreats – one for men and one for women – homeless participants experience hope, faith, and unity through a caring network of men and women from varying socio-economic conditions.

The cost for a team of four is $100 in advance and $120 at the door. Non-players are also encouraged to cheer on the teams and enjoy lunch afterward. Corporate sponsors and matching donations also welcome. All proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Homeless Ministry Retreat.

For an application or questions, email Tony Lupo at (201) 280-4614, or

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance

St Patrick Shamrock Image

February 12,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus are once again proud to be sponsoring their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 18, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mount Carmel gymnasium at 52 Passaic Street in Ridgewood.

Guests will first be greeted by bagpipers. The Best of Everything will cater a full-course of traditional Irish fare including corned beef and cabbage. The Celtic Cross Band will be playing Irish classics and great dance music, along with a special appearance by the Irish Step Dancers from the Ridgewood Irish Dance Academy.  There will also be a grand prize raffle drawing for a trip to Ireland, with the proceeds going to benefit many local and worthy charities.

Tickets are $55 per person. Payment can be mailed to:

Ted Bragg
471 Heights Road
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
(201) 421-7209

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus – Annual Stickball Tournament

Ridgewood Knights of Columbus – Annual Stickball Tournament

September 24,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 is once again proud to be hosting their annual stickball tournament on Saturday October 8, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Passaic Street in Ridgewood. This year’s tournament will feature both men’s and women’s teams, with a pig roast lunch afterward.

 Now in its seventh year, the Ridgewood Knights of Columbus annual stickball tournament and its “taking it to the streets” theme takes on a whole new meaning, as the Knights this year are partnering with The Run for Hope Foundation to raise funds for Mt. Carmel’s Homeless Ministry Retreat. The Homeless Ministry Retreat is a spiritual program to help transform lives for the recently homeless. Through the retreats – one for men and one for women – homeless participants experience hope, faith, and unity through a caring network of men and women from different socio-economic conditions.
Participants can register online at  The cost for a team of four is $100, or $25 per person. Non-players are also encouraged to cheer on the teams and enjoy a pig roast lunch afterward. The cost for lunch is $25 per person or $75 per family. Corporate sponsors and matching donations also welcome. All proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Homeless Ministry Retreat.
For an application or questions, email Tony Lupo at:
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Ridgewood Knights to Host Senior Citizen Christmas Party

santa knights of columbus

file photo 2014

December 7,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood-NJ,The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 will hold their annual senior citizens Christmas party in the Parish Center at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on Sunday, December 20, 2015. All are welcome. Guests will be treated to a buffet lunch, entertainment, Christmas carols, and a surprise visit from Santa Claus.

For more information, contact event organizers Mark Stappenbeck (201) 444-3346, or Mike Mengin (201) 689-0562

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus – Annual Stickball Tournament.

Stickball 4

Ridgewood-NJ-September 21, 2015: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 is once again proud to be hosting their annual stickball tournament, now in its sixth year, on Saturday October 10, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Passaic Street in Ridgewood. The entrance fee is $100 for a team of four. There will be trophies for first place for seniors and juniors.

Refreshments, hotdogs, and hamburgers will be served at the Hall after the games.

Proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Street 2 Street Inner City Youth Basketball program. Street 2 Street specializes in helping kids almost everyone else has given up on to believe they can rise above their circumstances to make a positive impact on their world.

Local organizations are encouraged to sign up and join in the activities.

For an application or questions, email: or

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance.

St Patrick Shamrock Image

St Patrick Shamrock Image

Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance.

Ridgewood-NJ-March 2, 2015: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus are once again proud to be sponsoring their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 21st, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mount Carmel gymnasium at 52 Passaic Street in Ridgewood. The St. Patrick’s celebration this year is particularly meaningful, as the Knights begin their second century in service to the Ridgewood community.

Guests will first be greeted by bagpipers. The Best of Everything will cater a full-course of traditional Irish fare including corned beef and cabbage. The renowned Willie Lynch Band will be playing Irish classics and great dance music, along with a special appearance by the Irish Step Dancers from the McLoughlin Dance School.  There will also be a grand prize raffle drawing for a trip to Ireland.

Tickets are $50 per person. Payment can be mailed to:

Mark Stappenbeck
452 Hunter Road
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
(201) 444 – 3346

Come enjoy this annual celebration as the Knights of Columbus continue the tradition that the People of Ireland started over a thousand years ago.  And what better way to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick then to gather with friends and family, enjoy a fine meal, and dance to great music!

Come out and celebrate St. Patrick’s with the Ridgewood Knights !

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Annual Golf Outing


Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Annual Golf Outing

Ridgewood-NJ-August 25, 2014: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus will hold held their 
eighth annual golf tournament at the Blue Hill Golf Course in Pearl River on Thursday, September 25, 2014. Cost is $150 per person, or $125 if registered as a foursome. All golfers are welcome. 

Contests such as longest drive, closest to the pin, and closest to the line will be on the course that day. Tee time is 1:00 p.m. There will be a dinner afterward with raffle prizes. 

For more information, contact event organizer Sean Noble at: or 917-596-6815. Money raised from the event will be used to support local charities.

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Ridgewood Knights Raise over $30,000 for Local Charities at Centennial Celebration


Ridgewood Knights Raise over $30,000 for Local Charities at Centennial Celebration

Ridgewood-NJ-June 17, 2014: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 celebrated their 100-year anniversary on Saturday, June 14, 2014. The day was a testament to the Knights’ dedication and service to Ridgewood and the surrounding community. The evening began with a celebratory mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, offered by The Most Reverend Archbishop Bernard Hebda, to a standing-room-only crowd.  Guests then adjourned next door to an open-air reception. Many former Grand Knights and their families were in attendance. Jerry Vivino and his orchestra provided the live entertainment. Joe Antonacci, a Ridgewood resident, former Grand Knight, and a noted boxing ring announcer, was master of ceremonies for the evening. There were many unique and once-in-a-lifetime silent and live auctions offered, such a weekend rental of a Porsche 911, a round of golf at the Ridgewood Country Club, and an evening dinner with the priests of Mount Carmel. The auctions were lively and well spirited.


unnamed-16Sean Noble, the current Grand Knight, thanked the many supporters and organizers of the event. In particular, he thanked Brian Conn, who had the vision of an event on such a grand scale, which initiated the planning process over a year ago; Dave Seaman, Mark Stappenbeck, and Pete Bernardo, who handled the fundraising and financial planning; Joe Carey, Kevin Casey, and Doug Findlay, who managed the infrastructure and catering; Tim Bradley, who managed the printing of the programs and invitations; and Andy Meyer, in charge of the entertainment committee. “While this evening was the culmination of a year’s worth of planning, it really marks a beginning for the next 100 years for the Knights in Ridgewood”, said Noble.

The Knights also paid tribute to Daniel McGinley, a brother Knight who worked in the World Trade Center and was killed on 9-11. Pat Mullin lead the crowd in a special rendition of “Danny Boy”.

Through the generosity of local businesses and residents, over $30,000 in donations was raised, which will go to benefit three worthy organizations: the Ridgewood 

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance


McLoughlin Dance School file photo

Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance.

Ridgewood-NJ-March 9, 2014: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus are once again proud to be sponsoring their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 22nd, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mount Carmel gymnasium at 52 Passaic Street in Ridgewood. The St. Patrick’s celebration this year is particularly meaningful, as the Knights begin the preparation of celebrating their centennial year in service to the Ridgewood community.

The Best of Everything will cater a full-course of traditional Irish fare including corned beef and cabbage. The renowned Willie Lynch Band will be playing Irish classics and great dance music. There will also be a special appearance by the Irish Step Dancers from the McLoughlin Dance School.

Tickets are $50 each. Payment can be mailed to:

Mark Stappenbeck
452 Hunter Road
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
(201) 444 – 3346

Come enjoy this annual celebration as the Knights of Columbus continue the tradition that the People of Ireland started over a thousand years ago.  And what better way to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick then to gather with friends and family, enjoy a fine meal, and dance to great music!

Come out and celebrate St. Patrick’s with the Ridgewood Knights !

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Donate Proceeds of Stickball Tournament to Social Service Association


Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Donate Proceeds of Stickball Tournament to Social Service Association 

Ridgewood-NJ-January 20, 2014: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus Council #1736 made a donation to the Social Service Association of Ridgewood. The donation was made with proceeds from the Knights’ stickball tournament, which is played annually on Passaic Street in Ridgewood. Denise Vollkommer of the SSA described the many services offered to families in area, such as food through vouchers and their on-site food pantry, as well as emergency rent and utility assistance. She explained how many families have been affected during the economic crisis. SSA’s goal is to provide ongoing support to families in need, made possible with the help of generous donors.

For more information on the Social Service Association, go to, or call (201) 444-2980.

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance


Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance

Ridgewood-NJ-February 18, 2013: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus are once again proud to be sponsoring their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 23rd, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mount Carmel gymnasium at 52 Passaic Street in Ridgewood.

The Best of Everything will cater a full-course of traditional Irish fare including corned beef and cabbage. The renowned Willie Lynch Band will be playing Irish classics and great dance music. There will also be a special appearance by the Irish Step Dancers from the McLoughlin Dance School.

Tickets are $50 each. Payment can be mailed to:

Mark Stappenbeck

452 Hunter Road

Ridgewood, NJ 07450

(201) 444 – 3346

Come enjoy this annual celebration as the Knights of Columbus continue the tradition that the People of Ireland started over a thousand years ago.  And what better way to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick then to gather with friends and family, enjoy a fine meal, and dance to great music!

Come out and celebrate St. Patrick’s with the Ridgewood Knights !

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Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance.

>Ridgewood Knights of Columbus to Host Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance.

Ridgewood-NJ-February 20, 2012: The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus are once again proud to be sponsoring their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 24th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mount Carmel gymnasium at 52 Passaic Street in Ridgewood.

The Best of Everything will cater a full-course of traditional Irish fare including corned beef and cabbage. The renowned Willie Lynch Band will be playing Irish classics and great dance music. There will also be a special appearance by the Irish Step Dancers from the McLoughlin Dance School.

Tickets are $50 each. Payment can be mailed to: Mark Stappenbeck 452 Hunter Road Ridgewood, NJ 07450 (201) 444 – 3346

Come enjoy this annual celebration as the Knights of Columbus continue the tradition that the People of Ireland started over a thousand years ago.  And what better way to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick then to gather with friends and family, enjoy a fine meal, and dance to great music!

Come out and celebrate St. Patrick’s with the Ridgewood Knights !