photos by Boyd Loving
November 8,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, News 12 showed up at Schedler but Sadly the News12 report where residents spoke was removed. It was replaced with Mayor’s statement, which happens to be untrue. Property bought with $2million of taxpayers money was promised to a baseball group without public notification. The Historic house is owned by the Village. Mr. Mayor: why does the public have to save a house owned by the Village? Destruction by abandonment? The roof needs repairs, you’ve ignored it 7 years ago. Transparency: Tell the whole story! The facts would tell a very different tale
Schedler Site Development Study – 460 W. Saddle River Road
Below are the Site Development Plans prepared by the Ridgewood Engineering Department.
Click Here for Part 1A
Click Here for part 2B
Click Here for Part 3 C, D, E
Schedler Park
Below are the Site Development Plans prepared by the Ridgewood Engineering Department.
Click Here for Part 1A
Click Here for part 2B
Click Here for Part 3 C, D, E
Maps – Revisions
Schedler Map Rev 8 – October 7, 2015
Click Here for the Schedler Park and House Grant Timeline – as reported by the Village Manager at the September 16, 2015 Village Council Public Meeting.
Wednesday, August 12th the Village Council discussed the use of the Schedler property. They voted on the following resolutions:
Click Here for Schedler Property Resolution including House
Click Here for Resolution to apply for Schedler House Grant