photos by Boyd Loving
November 8,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, News 12 showed up at Schedler but Sadly the News12 report where residents spoke was removed. It was replaced with Mayor’s statement, which happens to be untrue. Property bought with $2million of taxpayers money was promised to a baseball group without public notification. The Historic house is owned by the Village. Mr. Mayor: why does the public have to save a house owned by the Village? Destruction by abandonment? The roof needs repairs, you’ve ignored it 7 years ago. Transparency: Tell the whole story! The facts would tell a very different tale
Schedler Site Development Study – 460 W. Saddle River Road
Below are the Site Development Plans prepared by the Ridgewood Engineering Department.
Click Here for Part 1A
Click Here for part 2B
Click Here for Part 3 C, D, E
Schedler Park
Below are the Site Development Plans prepared by the Ridgewood Engineering Department.
Click Here for Part 1A
Click Here for part 2B
Click Here for Part 3 C, D, E
Maps – Revisions
Schedler Map Rev 8 – October 7, 2015
Click Here for the Schedler Park and House Grant Timeline – as reported by the Village Manager at the September 16, 2015 Village Council Public Meeting.
Wednesday, August 12th the Village Council discussed the use of the Schedler property. They voted on the following resolutions:
Click Here for Schedler Property Resolution including House
Click Here for Resolution to apply for Schedler House Grant
This does not say much for news 12 does it.
The Ridgewood Blog is your only source for the truth about many things that happen in Ridgewood.
Maybe that’s why News 12’s parent corporation, Cablevision, lost millions of dollars last quarter – they don’t know how to run a business.
If they dont want a ball field, the town should put the property back on the market. If it was worth $2m 7 years ago it should be worth $5m now. Sell it and let a developer build townhouses. Your fellow citizens didnt spend $2m to have an overgrown lot that acts as a sound barrier.
Put the freakin’ ball field at Lakeview. Oh, no, wait, they can’t do that because Roberta is tooo busy illegally dumping concrete and asphalt there.
of the 50 people in the picture, less than 10 kids… I guess the neighbors don’t want kids in the area
Love this story….the NH sports association has been trying to install lights in a residential neighborhood for almost 20 years…..sounds like Ridgewood !
Paul is married to Marie DeNoia was/is a senior correspondent/reporter for NJ news. Oh what a tangled web they weave. 7:23 sounds like Delusional Delzio from the public podium shouting facts…facts…facts. Then, when fact based statements are made and proof is presented…silence. Quick…intercede and throw the public off with lies and confusion.
Sell it.
8:44, although the Lakeview plot might work in a number of ways, what about ingress and egress on only one narrow dead-end street lined with houses?
The fact is that Ridgewood is BUILT UP. It has been attractive to many over the last century and every little bit of land is accounted for. Houses surround everything, and turning fields, parks, and schools into day-and-night sports arenas cannot work without disturbing the entire surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, we just need to STOP. Empty lots are gone and that’s that. Not enough 90-foot baseball diamonds? Boo hoo. Do you really think most people give a darn?
News 12 slanted a piece on Graydon some years ago, to our surprise and horror. Never trust them.
For those suggesting the town should sell it, as a neighbor, I wouldn’t be horrified. The neighborhood would have many more legal protections from a private developer that the Village doesn’t need to comply with. Chiefly, ingress/egress from Rt. 17 and noise reduction. It was bought with open space money from the County, not just the Village, and is supposed to guarantee a balance of active and passive space. Secondary to the pay-to-play development, it looks like only a baseball field will be built, and 74 parking spots. All this for the 2nd 90′ field the mayor says he ‘promised’ RBSA to make up for the field lost at BF. That field was already promised to RBSA at lower Hawes, courtesy of the CMX report which the Village paid 80K dollars for. The mayor knows this because he questioned the involved parties directly when that plan was adopted. The facts are in the minutes and speak for themselves.
Why doesn’t RBSA want that field? Why haven’t they done anything to advance that plan since 2008? Why haven’t they made the already approved improvements to Somerville’s field also approved in 2008? Why wouldn’t the Village encourage them to develop park space adjacent to an elementary school where more of the Village could benefit from it? Why would RBSA want to take on fundraising to develop an entire park instead of a cheaper renovation to an existing and approved space? Upon OPRA request, there is no documentation of any reason why the fields can’t be exactly where they were already ‘promised.’
People in the Hawes neighborhood better be paying attention Friday night lights are coming your way.
Nancy Freidman, you have excellent FACTS and great questions. I wonder if anyone will ever honestly review facts, answer complaints and act accordingly.
Jacqueline Hone – as long as Aronsohn and his buddies are in charge, no honest review of facts, no answers to complaints, and no appropriate actions will ever occur.
It is amazing that one can feel so good about things one minute and then totally disillusioned the next. That is how it felt when Channel 12 news interviewed Paul Aronsohn right after the peaceful protest by residents of Ridgewood. With so many big issues facing Ridgewood and with so many alternatives being presented by the people and with the council’s arrogance in their disregard of “other options”., I can only hope that not too much damage is done before the vote in May. Mike and Susan need another independent to help them steer the village in the right direction.
Call channel 2 CBS what with the parking lot scandal and this important item Big Bad wolf government trashing of neighborhoods in a bow..promise the camera crew free BAmboo House
This has nothing to do with getting a 4th 60×90 baseball field.
That’s the clever ruse.
The uniting force here is the Rec Committee. They are actually angling for an additional field so that they can have more exposure for lacrosse and soccer games.
Think about driving north at night on Route 17…you can get a glimpse of the excellence that is Ridgewood lacrosse and soccer. That must be a great place to live !
Our Mayor may be contemplating trespassing charges against the citizens in the pictures . You know how he is. Thats right after he find out who mailed out the ant garage flier and publicly flog them in the town square.
How did this stooge ever get elected? He is Obama-lite with his tin ear.
I can easily see how he was elected. He actually pretty good at being a politician. Tells people what they want to hear in person, doesn’t say yes or no, and goes back on his word when people look away.