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Petition to Save Schedler Making the Rounds

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Hello! Over the weekend, the NJ Star Ledger published an article titled “Turf Wars Raging as N.J. Residents Face Off Over Replacing Grass with Artificial Fields.” Additionally, CBS News New York visited Ridgewood yesterday and covered the topic in their evening news segment and put it over social media (1+million followers), highlighting the ongoing battles surrounding artificial turf fields in New Jersey communities. They focused on Ridgewood as the main news hook given the atrocity of artificial turf on historic property and potential destruction of our green environment and Revolutionary War artifacts.

Continue reading Petition to Save Schedler Making the Rounds

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Village of Ridgewood Council Ducks Schedler Historic and Wildlife Preservation Responsibilities

bald eagle
May 4th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, They just don’t respond.  Jackie Hone has offered so much in the way of information that she asked openly to share with the council/ village manager.

According to the County public meeting minutes of March 28. The Village was put on notice regarding Schedler historic preservation of both parcel and house, wildlife and migratory act.

As such, the Village must move forward with historic registry of the Schedler house, historic eligibility of parcel and enforce wildlife preservation. Additionally, nothing can be done on this parcel, NO clean up/Phase 1, until after July 31 and only after historic and wildlife preservation/eligibility/registry is complete.

The Village council has not responded Jackie Hone’s emails or comments . Perhaps the Village manager and Council Majority was too busy with Earth day celebrations.

Council Members:

I did not receive a response or acknowledgement to my email below. Our mayor and village manager said they would provide an update “next time.” I don’t see Schedler on the agenda fortomorrow night. Will an update be provided? Is our Historical Preservation Commission aware of the County notice and will they move forward accordingly? Does this task fall under their responsibilities and/or Village administration? Who would be the person ultimately responsible in seeing that this get done?

Jackie Hone