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Mahwah Republican Club 2024 Scholarship Essay Contest

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the staff of the Ridgfgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Mahwah Republican Club is accepting submissions for its 2024 Essay Scholarship.  This year’s theme is “In this election year what are the top three challenges the president will face and how do they rectify it?”  

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Mahwah Republican Club is Holding a Fundraiser For Annual Student Scholarship Program

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Mahwah Republican Club is holding a fundraiser on March 3rd at the Mahwah Elks Club at 630pm to raise money for our annual student scholarships. Over the last two years, we have awarded four winners. We hope to raise enough money this year for three scholarships. The scholarships are based on written essays and are judged on thought formation, organization, and proper grammatical structure. In addition to raising funds for the scholarship, the event will be used to promote leadership amongst our local students. All Mahwah student residents attending their senior year in high school are eligible. Please join us for a good cause and a fun night out.

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Mahwah Republican Club Essay Scholarship Winners

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ,  the Mahwah Republican Club is honored to announce this year’s winners of the Mahwah Republican Club Essay Scholarship.  This year’s theme was “Let Freedom Ring:  Our freedom and freedom around the world are under attack. As a young adult what are your views and what are you going to do about it?”.  The scholarship is eligible to any high school senior residing in Mahwah, NJ who is going on to college or a trade school.

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The Mahwah Republican Club Announces its 2022 Essay Scholarship

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ,  the Mahwah Republican Club announces its 2022 Essay Scholarship. The club annually strives to engage current high school seniors in critical thinking of today’s political landscape. Over the years the Mahwah Republican Club has received inspirational and moving essays that demonstrate the bright lights of our town’s young adults.

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Mahwah Republicans Club Awards Two College Scholarships

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Mahwah Republican Club today announced they have awarded scholarships to two graduating Mahwah High School Seniors, Isabella Garcia and Elijah Greenberg. Isabella, will be attending The United States Military Academy at West Point, and Elijah will be attending Clarkson University in the Fall.  The scholarship essay contest, titled “Do you Believe the American Dream of Living a Better Life Than Your Parents, Is Alive and Well?” was originally intended to award one scholarship, but two were ultimately presented. “Of all the entries received, these two essays stood out among the others. We are grateful that the next generation of young adults entering college and the workforce, have an appreciation for the commitment and dedication their parents and grandparents  showed, in building our great country”, said Josephine and Charles Rabolli, Mahwah Republican Club members and generous sponsors of the award. They continued,  “Both essays were worthy of the scholarship, so we decided to double the award, pay if forward, and name two winners”. Their son Charles, who is currently enrolled at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, won the Club scholarship award in 2014.

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