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Mahwah Republican Club is Holding a Fundraiser For Annual Student Scholarship Program

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Mahwah Republican Club is holding a fundraiser on March 3rd at the Mahwah Elks Club at 630pm to raise money for our annual student scholarships. Over the last two years, we have awarded four winners. We hope to raise enough money this year for three scholarships. The scholarships are based on written essays and are judged on thought formation, organization, and proper grammatical structure. In addition to raising funds for the scholarship, the event will be used to promote leadership amongst our local students. All Mahwah student residents attending their senior year in high school are eligible. Please join us for a good cause and a fun night out.

Please be sure to mark your calendars for our annual Beefsteak NEXT FRIDAY, March 3rd! This great event helps support our annual Mahwah Scholarship Program.
More than 2 dozen gift basket door prizes, and great food from Nightingale Catering!
Hope to see you there!
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