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Teaneck Mayor Steps Up: “We have Zero Tolerance for any Violence, or any threats of Violence”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Teaneck NJ,  Teaneck Mayor Michael Santiago Pagan issued the following statement on the caravan from Paterson to Teaneck:

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DOJ New Initiative to Address “Harassment, Intimidation and Threats of Violence” Against School Board Members and Employees

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on October 4, 2021, the DOJ announced a new initiative to address “harassment, intimidation and threats of violence” against school board members and employees – including but not limited to the creation of a federal task force as well as dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response by law enforcement under the auspices of the FBI.

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